QotD: Two-Person Games
Posted December 12th, 2005 @ 12:56pm by Erik J. Barzeski
Question: What are your favorite two-person board and/or card games?
My Answer: Carey and I are looking for some suggestions. We own Trivial Pursuit and… uhhh… a deck of cards. And Trivial Pursuit.
You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.
Posted 11 Dec 2005 at 1:27pm #
Scrabble, Jenga, Monopoly, Yahtzee, Battleship (made for only 2 people!), Outburst, Life, Sorry, Taboo and Scategories! Those are all good ones.
Posted 11 Dec 2005 at 1:43pm #
If you guys are movie buffs, give SceneIt a try.
Posted 11 Dec 2005 at 2:42pm #
There's a bunch of "euro" games for two people as well. As I've yet to try them I don't know any by name. Most are a bit more expensive than US games so I'm afraid to purchase on name or simple description alone. But the wife and I are in a similar situation, wanting 2 player games besides World of Warcraft (which we play way too much).
Posted 11 Dec 2005 at 3:11pm #
rummukub is fun... and i like UNO. there are, of course, many great card games as well. 🙂
Posted 11 Dec 2005 at 3:44pm #
Classics -- Go, Chess, Checkers, Othello, Backgammon, Twister.
New Games -- Boggle, Robo Rally, Acquire, Diplomacy, Settlers of Catan.
My recommendation would be to check out the major game maker's sites. Hasbro is the near monopoly game manufacturer/developer. Check out it's subsidiaries (Wizards of the Coast, Avalon Hill, Milton Bradley, Parker Brothers, etc) webpages and look through their catologs of games.
Here's a site for board games. You can tell it to run a search for just two players. http://www.boardgamegeek.com/searchform.php3
Posted 12 Dec 2005 at 1:33pm #
We like Lost Cities. It is a two player card game, where you try to complete one or more of five expeditions.
Posted 12 Dec 2005 at 7:11pm #
sorry about the fact that this game isn't truly 2player, but if you could get a lot of people together (5+), it's A TON OF FUN:
apples to apples
Posted 12 Dec 2005 at 11:54pm #
Set is a good card game.
Works well after a glass of beer turns down your left brain. 🙂
Posted 13 Dec 2005 at 12:38am #
Monopoly is great, but I find Uno is a lot more fun...with Uno, it tends to get more personal, haha.
Emily posted some nice choices.
Posted 14 Dec 2005 at 12:00am #
Settlers of Catan is superb. One of the most elegant games I have seen in a long time. It is about 6 years since it was released. Simple to learn and has expansion packs that make it more complex and challenging. Games take about 60-120 minutes. The board changes each time you play it so every game is different.
If you have the cash go for the 3D collectors edition:
Carcassonne is also a pretty good 2 player game.
Both games can be played 2-6 player.