Posted March 28th, 2003 @ 01:50pm by Erik J. Barzeski
Is NetNewsWire AppleScript Stupid? Rather, am I? I'm trying to do something very simple: compile a list of blogs that have not been updated in the past x days (so that I can delete them from my subscriptions list).
set oldies to {} set cutoffDate to ( (current date) - (15 * days) )
So far so good. Then all hell breaks loose.
tell application "NetNewsWire" repeat with thisSub in every subscription tell thisSub set subModDate to last update time log subModDate end tell end repeat end tell
What am I told? The variable subModDate is not defined. The subModDate after "log" is selected. The same happens with:
tell application "NetNewsWire" repeat with thisSub in every subscription set subModDate to thisSub's last update time log subModDate end repeat end tell
Don't worry, it gets worse. You see, even if I could get the "last update time" it is somehow not actually the last update time. Or it may be, but given that every one of my subscriptions "last updated" today or yesterday, I'm not buying it - some haven't been touched in weeks. Instead, I seem to be given a time that's suspiciously close to the "last check time." From NNW's dictionary:
last update time date [r/o] -- The last time the source had new headlines
last check time date [r/o] -- The last time the subscription was checked for new headlines.
Hogwash, I think. Of course, the documentation also lists this:
lastModified header anything [r/o] -- The last last-modified header returned by the server.
There might be hope there, but very very few of my subscriptions seem to include this lastModified header, making it useless.
Next I attempt this:
tell application "NetNewsWire" set counter to count of every subscription repeat with i from 1 to counter get date published of (item i of every subscription)'s first headline end repeat end tell
This seems to work most of the time, though some of my subscriptions don't have any:
get date published of headline 1 of item 52 of every subscription
get date published of headline 1 of item 53 of every subscription
get date published of headline 1 of item 54 of every subscription
get date published of headline 1 of item 55 of every subscription
date "Friday, March 28, 2003 8:41:24am"
get date published of headline 1 of item 56 of every subscription
date "Tuesday, March 25, 2003 3:32:22pm"
Moving past the fact that I can't get a proper date, I can't seem to compare it when I do get a date (any date):
set oldies to {} set cutoffDate to ( (current date) - (30 * days) )
tell application "NetNewsWire" repeat with thisSub in every subscription tell thisSub if last update time < cutoffDate then set oldies to oldies & thisSub end if end tell end repeat end tell
That gives me "No result was returned from some part of this expression." with "cutoffDate" after < selected. The same comparison works fine here:
property logsFolder : "(snip - too long)" set cutoffDate to ( (current date) - (90 * days) )
tell application "Finder" set folderList to (folders of folder logsFolder) repeat with i from 1 to count of folderList set AliasPath to item i of folderList as alias set folderMod to modification date of (info for AliasPath) if folderMod < cutoffDate then delete AliasPath end if end repeat end tell
(The above deletes old the log folders of people I haven't spoken to in less than 90 days.) So, what exactly am I doing wrong here? I was all set to write about how AppleScript is so awesome, allowing you to do so much, and yet I can't get it to realize that a variable exists one line after I set it.
I'm giving up for now.
Posted 28 Mar 2003 at 2:03pm #
I'll look into it. Thanks for the report!
Posted 28 Mar 2003 at 9:58pm #
This works, sorta
set oldies to {}
set cutoffDate to ((current date) - (15 * days))
tell application "NetNewsWire"
set counter to count of every subscription
repeat with i from 1 to counter
if is group of subscription i is false then
set oldies to display name of subscription i & oldies
set oldies to last update time of subscription i & oldies
end if
end repeat
end tell
This was run right after I launched the latest alpha release and the times rturned appear as the times that NNW populated the feeds with cached data.
get display name of subscription 30
"The Shifted Librarian"
get last update time of subscription 30
date "Friday, March 28, 2003 9:43:56 PM"
get is group of subscription 31
get display name of subscription 31
get last update time of subscription 31
date "Friday, March 28, 2003 9:43:57 PM"
and etc
But returns a time listing for every subscription, regardless of last update time.
Posted 30 Mar 2003 at 7:05pm #
I think the wording is nicely vague to be confusing.
last update time and last check time should always be the same in regards to NNW's meaning. Each check should produce an "update" regardless if that feed has any new entries or not.
However if the download times out the update and check time would be different.
So NNW needs a way to track when a subscription actually had a new entry posted to it, outside of the last modified header and entry dates, since those aren't supported by a lot of feeds.