Why Buy “Weblog Hacks”?
Posted March 1st, 2003 @ 07:13pm by Erik J. Barzeski
Why would I buy Weblog Hacks. Everything about it is available online, for free, because bloggers like to share. At least on the MovableType platform, I guess. Witness, for example, http://mt-plugins.org/.
I'm honestly asking: why would I buy this? I'm not opposed to sp money if I get something out of it, but a book falls out of date so quickly, and the Web is so much more vast, and I can narrow searches on the Web to MovableType, that I'm not sure I see much value for my $20 (or whatever it'll cost).
Posted 01 Mar 2003 at 7:40pm #
I'd imagine it would be for convenience. This book, idealy (sp?) makes it so I don't have to google when looking for a specific hack.
Posted 02 Mar 2003 at 7:58am #
What's so convenient about a non-searchable media which you cannot cut and paste from?
Posted 02 Mar 2003 at 10:57am #
I'm always surprised at the number of people that just want to buy the book. I guess it's a comfort thing. Look at how big the "tech" section is at B&N, There's nothing there that can't be found online for free.
Posted 02 Mar 2003 at 11:49am #
I think assuming that anyone with a current aptitude in weblogging would be interested in this book is incorrect. My impression is that the book is targetted for the coming onslaught of goggle_loggers who have easy access to weblogging software and are looking of tips and tricks on getting started and getting noticed.
Still, if there are truly 100 "good hacks" chances are you haven't heard of two or three... maybe.