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March 2003 Zeitgeist

Every month (since last month) I post my site's referral search terms (not what people search for on my site). It's an interesting peek that illustrates "how people are finding me." Here's March's…

March 2003 NSLog();
#  Hits   Percent   Search Phrase
1   352    4.32%    trista and ryan
2   202    2.48%    women in the draft
3   188    2.31%    national geographic swimsuit
4   181    2.22%    west wing dvd
5   142    1.74%    Trista and Ryan
6   131    1.61%    expensive computers
7   130    1.60%    hacking xp
8   115    1.41%    zora and evan
9    87    1.07%    crotch rocket
10   85    1.04%    ken burns effect
11   75    0.92%    women and the draft
12   74    0.91%    play mario
13   63    0.77%    purple shoes
14   61    0.75%    national geographic swimsuit issue
15   60    0.74%    os x 10.3
16   59    0.72%    John Brady Kiesling
17   54    0.66%    windows cement
18   50    0.61%    mac os 10.3
19   46    0.56%    OS X 10.3
20   42    0.52%    survivor women

Most of the "trista and ryan" traffic was from early on - it took a commanding lead and didn't give it up as the month progressed. A sneak peek into April reveals that "trista and ryan" have dropped off the top 20 entirely and that a lot of people are coming to NSLog(); because of "identity theft," the "west wing dvd" set I'm building for myself, and a few others. I'll post my April zeitgeist in early May.

6 Responses to "March 2003 Zeitgeist"

  1. March 2003 Zeitgeist

    Erik has an interesting concept, every month he is posting the top 20 search terms bringing people to his website. As I am incredibly unoriginal, I have decided to do the same. Read on for the top 20 referral search terms for March 2003....

  2. This is a great idea. Did you prune out any of your search results? I find it interesting that you results seem more specific for March, as opposed to my results which list stuff I haven't talked about in over 6 months.

  3. Most of my results are from postings I made in February, actually. I only started this blog December 10, so I really don't have any "six months" stuff to hit. If you see a comment I made on your site (people can follow the TrackBack), you'll see a bit more of my thoughts on that.

  4. Q1 2003 Zeitgeist

    Spurred on by Eric Barzeski presenting his monthly referral search terms I've decided to do something similar on a quarterly basis, sort of in-between his and the Google Zeitgeist. The data is filtered to exclude traffic coming from my internal network...

  5. March 2003 Zeitgeist

    Erik has an interesting concept, every month he is posting the top 20 search terms bringing people to his website. I think this is a great idea, and have decided to do the same. Read on for the top 20 referral search terms for, in Marc...

  6. Q1 2003 Zeitgeist

    So Joe Millionaire fans listen up, I've found a great resource for buying interesting Joe Millionaire related items including mint condition Playboy magazines featuring former Joe girls. Wow, imagine that! Check out the Joe Millionaire auctions on Amaz...

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