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My Freedom to VPS

This site, and all of my others, will be down for about 30 minutes tomorrow morning. After that, they should reappear at the new IP: I'm not sure how long the propagation will take, but feel free to edit your hosts file after 10am EST to get to the new server.

Do I expect everything to go smoothly? Heeeeeell no. Will it? Gosh I hope so. I'll post the full story after it's done. Until then, feel free to catch up on a tiny piece of the back story.

5 Responses to "My Freedom to VPS"

  1. So you are on Interland!? I am making a simular switch with them, from a b100 windows plan to a VPS... oye. Still working on my MT Blog, yours is nice.

  2. A few years ago - nearly two as I write this - I signed up with a company called "HostPro" for what was then called...

  3. This may be the only entry I post today due to, well, I'll get into it later. Update: Here's a retelling of what's happened. It...

  4. Yes we are with interland from last 4 years no problem we also sell

  5. Yes but there are also cheap vps in the market

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