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OneWord: Princess

Princess? Could there be any word more sexist than princess? Just kidding. After all, princes are around too. But don't they dance in that Christmas song or something? Probably. "Prattling princes" doesn't have the same ring to it. Plus they have lords a leaping and stuff. Gay lords, that's weird. Gaylord Perry was a 60's basebally player, I know that much. Good too. But that's okay. Some day I might have a princess of my very own, but I'll never have my own Gaylord Perry.

This 60-second entry was brought to you by today's word from OneWord™.

2 Responses to "OneWord: Princess"

  1. Gaylord Perry is from my home town. His career was more than half over when I was born, and I never actually met him. I do have an autographed baseball card of his rotting in an attic somewhere though.

  2. "Some day I might have a princess of my very own, but I'll never have my own Gaylord Perry."

    Now THAT'S a quotable sentence. 🙂

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