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Comments to Readers

I said in my "Starting a Blog (with Movable Type)" article that one of the best ways to build up your readership is to simply leave comments (preferably good ones) and post TrackBacks to the blogs you read.

And so it has happened again. Amy of (fabu name) has posted a few comments here lately, and partly because I'm intrigued by the fact that she's a woman, but mostly because I'd never heard of her before, I visited her site. And now she's in my aggregator.

And so it goes. Besides, anyone who can say "the creator is a Microsoft nad-sucking lackey" is someone I'd like to read a little more (hence the title of this post: she left a comment on my blog and turned me into a reader of hers).

3 Responses to "Comments to Readers"

  1. ha! i have a reader!

    And so it has happened again. Amy of (fabu name) has posted a few comments here lately, and partly because I'm intrigued by the fact that she's a woman, but mostly because I'd never heard of her before, I

  2. I'm pretty sure this is the same reason I'm on your blogroll at the side. I remember reading that point in your entry about starting a blog. As long as you say something interesting, I think it's a good technique.

  3. Comments to Readers

    I said in my "Starting a Blog (with Movable Type)" article that one of the best ways to build up your readership is to simply leave comments (preferably good ones) and post TrackBacks to the blogs you read. And so it has happened again. Amy of spiffari...