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April 2003 Zeitgeist

Every month (since February) I post my site's referral search terms (not what people search for on my site). It's an interesting peek that illustrates "how people are finding me." Here's April's…

April 2003 NSLog();
#  Hits   Percent   Search Phrase
1   476    5.34%    trista and ryan
2   396    4.44%    at
3   258    2.89%    west wing dvd
4   180    2.02%    Trista and Ryan
5   153    1.72%    national geographic swimsuit
6   121    1.36%    expensive computers
7   119    1.34%    women in the draft
8   100    1.12%    speech synthesis clips
9    95    1.07%    ed season finale
10   73    0.82%    women and the draft
11   70    0.79%    national geographic swimsuit issue
12   68    0.76%    identity theft confessions
13   67    0.75%    hacking xp
14   66    0.74%    West Wing DVD
15   63    0.71%    mac os 10.3
16   62    0.70%    play mario
17   58    0.65%    crotch rocket
18   56    0.63%    trista
19   53    0.59%    zora and evan
20   50    0.56%    os x 10.3

I have no idea what "at" is for a search result, I can tell you that. In March, "trista and ryan" accounted for 352 hits - it's odd that the number is still climbing. The Bachelorette ended in March, didn't it? Zora and Evan take a hit from 115 to 53. "Ed Season Finale" does okay, and I remain high in the search results for would-be-feminists looking for information on "women in/and the draft." Outside of that, well, there they are, and it's only amusing to wonder about them for so long before you realize you could be sleeping or eating instead.

5 Responses to "April 2003 Zeitgeist"

  1. Your lucky. I get things like:

    Dog F**ks Girl

    Mom S**ks Boy

    God only knows why.

  2. April 2003 Zeitgeist

    It's that time of the month again, the April 2003 Zeitgeist. I have compiled the top 20 terms searched for, on, for April. You can read on for the results and my commentary on them. I of course, must credit Erik who originated this ide...

  3. April 2003 Zeitgeist

    Once again I steal:

    # Hits Percent Search Term

  4. Hm, an excuse to look at my analog results...

    Most search engine hits are music/film related, but I'm still amused by the search term

    "threesome watch huge -cum -erotic -porn men -golf girlfriend"

    Harnessing the power of Google.

  5. April 2003 Zeitgeist

    It's that time of the month again, the April 2003 Zeitgeist. I have compiled the top 20 terms searched for, on, for April. You can read on for the results and my commentary on them. I of course, must credit Erik who originated this ide...