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Kayak Storage

I'm trying to think of ways to store my kayak. So far, there are basically three competing possibilities: on the car, in the parking lot, and in my apartment. Each has its plusses and minuses, and in no particular order, they are as follows:

On the Car
Thinking: If I have to put it on my car to go to the waterfront, why not just leave it there?
Plusses: No need to move the kayak anywhere. "Pick up and go" functionality. Car will be even easier to spot in crowded parking lot. Inexpensive.
Minuses: Theft. I'll look like a retard driving around with a kayak attached permanently to my car. Weathering.

In the Parking Lot
Thinking: Build a big box, wrap a tarp around it, and chain the whole thing up to keep it secure.
Plusses: Short distance from car to this "kayak garage." Get to play with power tools to construct kayak condom.
Minuses: Mild chance of theft (my scooter has lasted a year or two chained to nothing but itself, so…). It might look odd.

In the Apartment
Thinking: Rig up a pulley system so that I can hoist my kayak above my breakfast bar. Vaulted ceilings have some use, after all.
Plusses: Conversation piece. No real chance of theft. Fairly inexpensive, probably.
Minuses: Walls are drywall, so rigging something like this up may take some serious effort. Would be forever fearful kayak would fall on me as I eat my Rice Chex. Apartment complex may have a cow if they ever see it. Carrying kayak up to second story apartment may be awkward.

So there we have it. I'll know more on Saturday when José comes down to mess around with the whole thing.

7 Responses to "Kayak Storage"

  1. I would put it in the apartment, standing up.

  2. Ditto.

  3. Not really a lot of room for that. I've only got 800 square feet or so. However, that's the fall-back option, yes.

  4. How long is it?

  5. Drywall? Don't fear the drywall. With a "molly" you can pretty much be sure that it will hold. Talk to you friendly Home Depot (or Lowe's or whichever) worker and they will help you out. I have hung all sorts of heavy things with "mollies."

  6. When you figure it out, you tell us.

    Oh yes, try carrying it to the THIRD floor.

    🙂 🙂


  7. Most walls and ceilings are made of sheetrock (drywall). In every case, the sheets must be fastened to studs. There is either 16 or 24 inches between each stud center. Find one, and you can find them all. Most of the time you can see where a screw or nail hole is. if you look at the wall at an angle, from the side, sometimes you can see slight variations in color or texture in the wall. If these variations appear to be evenly spaced, or look like they are in a line, chances are good a stud is lurking behind there. You can also but cheapo studfinders for $10-$15 at most hardware stores. Sink your anchor into a stud at least an inch and a half and you can hang anything from hammocks to hang gliders. You may have to pre-drill a hole for some anchors. Use an anchor that you can hand on yourself. that way you can load all your gear into the boat and keep it there. Also, if you slip, and you or the boat yanks on the anchor, it won't rip out. I guarantee that if you shock load any drywall anchor with the weight of a falling kayak, it will rip right out. Also, over time, the drywall will sack or crack around the anchor point if the object is very heavy.

    once again- DO NOT hang your boat from the wall, and especially not the ceiling if the anchor is not secured to a stud. I don't care what anyone tells you- it is a BAD idea, and most likely you will do serious damage to your apartment, not to mention you bowl of rice Chex. Yes, boats can hung from sheetrock, but they shouldn't. Just like you can probably listen to Celine Dion and not go to Hell, but you probably shouldn't. Do it right and make it burly, and you will sleep well. Good luck.