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Kayak: Now in Green

tarpon120.jpgTwo weeks ago my dealer told me that I'd have to wait 3-4 weeks to get the kayak I wanted (a Wilderness Systems Tarpon 120 in "Sunrise" coloring). Yesterday he told me that the estimate is still 3-4 weeks. Today he told me that the estimate was 8 weeks.

I hopped online, called about ten places, and purchased a green Tarpon 120 from some folks in North Carolina. I can't wait eight weeks. I'll pay the $50 in shipping to get the damn thing before the end of the year. Yeah, it's green, but my other choices were orange and yellow, and my Aztek is green, so perhaps it'll match. I just didn't want red or blue, though I was tempted to choose either the yellow or orange colors that this particular dealer had available, but the bright solid-color kayaks have always seemed a bit "cheap" to me. Sunrise - a mottled yellow/orange kayak - and the darker colors (green, slate, brown) mitigate that somewhat.

I'll still look into buying a "Sunrise" when they come in - so that friends can kayak with me - but right now I've got to get a paddle. The thing will be here in a few days, after all, and I've got to be ready for it!

WOOOOOOO! I'm excited. 😀

One Response to "Kayak: Now in Green"

  1. [...] called me Friday regarding my two applications for kayak registration. You know, the kayaks (here and here) that I bought in Florida while I was living in [...]