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August 2003 Zeitgeist

Every month (since February) I post my site's referral search terms (not what people search for on my site). It's an interesting peek that illustrates "how people are finding me." Here's August's…

August 2003 NSLog();
#  Hits   Percent   Search Phrase
1    512   4.95%   mario kart gamecube
2    175   1.69%   american idol 3
3    153   1.48%   trista and ryan
4    143   1.38%   iphoto for windows
5    101   0.98%   keira knightly naked
6     73   0.71%   iphoto windows
7     64   0.62%   color sidekick
8     62   0.60%   American Idol 3
9     56   0.54%   expensive computers
10    50   0.48%   west wing dvd
11    48   0.46%   american idol 1
12    48   0.46%   national geographic swimsuit
13    48   0.46%   zinio
14    45   0.44%   keira knightley naked
15    44   0.43%   Trista and Ryan
16    39   0.38%   Mario Kart Gamecube
17    39   0.38%   kayak storage
18    38   0.37%   dmg files
19    36   0.35%   Keira Knightly naked
20    36   0.35%   fastlane cancelled

"Mario Kart GameCube" remains quite high. Of course, it should: I'm currently first in the Google search for that term. I'm high on "American Idol 3" because one of my posts is called "American Idol: 3 Contestants" and Google seemingly considers the ":" to be of lesser importance. People are finally losing interest in "Trista and Ryan," "Keira Knightly" is just starting to blossom, and the rest are leftovers from previous months. One notable new addition to the list: "Fastlane Cancelled."

7 Responses to "August 2003 Zeitgeist"

  1. I'm Looking for [This]

    Inspired by Erik's monthly posting of search referrals to his site, NSLog();, I decided to look into what people have been searching for lately to get to ManiacalRage. Unfortunately, I...

  2. August Top 10 Searches

    Inspired by nslog monthly posting of his top search referrals of his blog site, I have decided to post mine here monthly. I always have been curious on the how other people's searches will end up to my website, and...

  3. August Top 10 Searches

    Inspired by nslog monthly posting of his top search referrals of his blog site, I have decided to post mine here monthly. I always have been curious on the how other people's searches will end up to my website, and...

  4. August Top 10 Searches

    Inspired by nslog monthly posting of his top search referrals of his blog site, I have decided to post mine here monthly. I always have been curious on the how other people's searches will end up to my website, and...

  5. There should be a way to make those search stats case insensitive.

  6. Zeitgeist

    Google started the trend of the Zeitgeist with their page charting the queries on their site. Other sites have done

  7. Zeitgeist

    Google started the trend of the Zeitgeist with their page charting the queries on their site. Other sites have done

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