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September 2003 Zeitgeist

Every month (since February) I post my site's referral search terms (not what people search for on my site). It's an interesting peek that illustrates "how people are finding me." Here's September's…

September 2003 NSLog();
#  Hits   Percent   Search Phrase
1    332   2.83%   trista and ryan
2    309   2.63%   mario kart gamecube
3    176   1.50%   camel toes
4    142   1.21%   fastlane cancelled
5    134   1.14%   kayak storage
6     98   0.84%   trista
7     92   0.78%   expensive computers
8     90   0.77%   camel toe
9     89   0.76%   Trista and Ryan
10    86   0.73%   dmg files
11    84   0.72%   american idol 3
12    64   0.55%   keira knightly naked
13    64   0.55%   survivor playboy
14    58   0.49%   zinio
15    53   0.45%   .dmg files
16    52   0.44%   crotch rocket
17    52   0.44%   trista ryan
18    47   0.40%   survivor girls in playboy
19    41   0.35%   Trista
20    41   0.35%   windows cement

"Mario Kart GameCube" had 512 hits last month and drops to 309 this month. Trista and Ryan, somehow, still catapult to the top - they are perhaps one of the longest living "famous reality couples" around. Camel toes showing up in my search is awfully funny given the ire it drew from some malcontented young former quasi-girlfriends. Fastlane searches still occur daily, and frankly, I'm still pissed that the show is gone. Kayak storage? That's unexpected. The rest, well, we've seen them before…

Stupid Fox.

One Response to "September 2003 Zeitgeist"

  1. "malcontented young former quasi-girlfriends"

    Wow - you don't hear phrases like this everyday.

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