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QotD: Full-Time OS

Question: When did you begin using what you now consider your full-time OS?

My Answer: Mac OS X Public Beta, and in fact Developer Preview 4, were put into heavy use. I occasionally ran classic mode when I had to, but I also signed up to beta test X versions of several pieces of critical software so that I could use X full-time even sooner. What a long way we've come since those days! Wow!

You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

14 Responses to "QotD: Full-Time OS"

  1. 10.0 was used about 80% of the time with me. When 10.1 came out I went full-time. Before that, well, StarCraft just didn't work in Classic. 😉

  2. OS X is my primary OS and has been since March 24, 2001. Erik has me beat big time, consider yourself lucky Erik, for being in such a unique position in life.

    Imagine what OS X will be in another 3 years.

  3. OS X has been my primary OS since, uh, lemme think-- March 2001 when I purchased Mac OS X v.10.1.3. I've never gone back since...

  4. 10.0 or 10.1, once I got natd IP forwarding to work. That was the big problem I had transition-ing.

  5. I used Public Beta for some testing and experimentation but didn't move over full time till 10.0.

    I agree with the wow factor. Can't wait for another awesome set of releases.

  6. dev preview 4 - from wwdc 2000. I was there as a student 🙂 Been using OS X ever since in all its increments. 😉

  7. I think I may have you all beat. I was using Mac OS X Server (1.0? 1.2? -- don't remember) as my primary OS back when

    BlueBox/Classic had to run full screen. I used this all day at work. It actually was handy from the perspective of giving Mac OS 9 apps gobs of memory.

    I remember playing around with what I guess was Mac OS X DP3 -- whichever one was provided at WWDC. The pre-Aqua release. I didn't use it full-time, though.

    I think I've basically been using 'client' Mac OS X full time since public beta.

    - Scott

  8. I've been using OS X since I got my TiBook in February, and upgraded to Panther earlier this month.

  9. I was using DP3 fulltime at school on my Wallstreet PowerBook... I even had to run my web browser in Classic mode, because there wasn't anything native available (OmniWeb only ran on Mac OS X Server at that time).

    btw, there's a really nice Carbon version of StarCraft available.

  10. I used OpenStep 3 & 4 on NeXT Cubes right after NeXT bought Apple. I'd even set it up on a PC I had at home.

    I was no stranger to Unix, having taught myself IRIX when I got my first REAL ISP account back in 1993. All web servers pretty much ran on Unix, so I figured I should learn some. I was DOS savvy and had cut my teeth in computing on an HP Mainframe in the mid to late 70s, so it wasn't entirely alien to me.

    I knew that OpenStep was to be the foundation of Rhapsody (which was to be retooled somewhat and renamed OS X), so i was eager to set up a cube and get it going.

    I ran OmniWeb and a cool little dock util called Fiend that was pretty slick. I wish there was a Dock Fiend for OS X. It was kind of similar to Dock Fun, but with a much leaner UI. Very easy to set up and use. If you're reading this Mr. Fiend writer, we need you!

    In the post-dot bomb era I've only managed to procure a Mac OS X capable machine in the last 5 months or so, although I have well over a year's experience with it and 10 years of Unix.

    I'm very pragmatic about OS X. I know it holds the potential to be the best OS ever, with the power of unix and an easy to use, powerful, and intuitive UI. But it has a way to go before it can achieve that. There's a lot of UI improvement that needs to be made. There's a lot of optimization in GUI performance that is necessary.

    And that damn spinning beachball. That was a problem with NeXTStep, too. Don't people know well enough to write asynchronous code whenever possible?

    Nonetheless, I think OS X is on the right path. I was becoming a bit discouraged with it's progress, but Panther has renewed my faith somewhat. Now if Apple can keep up the pace and stop milking their customers, we'll be on the right track.

  11. QOTD: Full-Time OS

    The QotD: When did you begin using what you now consider your full-time OS? Answer: Sigh, that's hard to answer. I very actively separate between Desktop and Server. My full-time OS for the Server is FreeBSD, with Linux running the...

  12. Like anyone'll read this:

    OS X Server 1.0 -> 1.2 (Was that update ever available? If so, where'd you find it? I had to go directly to Apple Enterprise Services.)

    Oh...and of course my obsession...WebObjects 4.0 (man, do I wish I'd discovered THAT back in '94)

  13. Windows XP -- 9/15/2002

  14. Okay, I feel like I'm about to get tarred and feathered, but I'll stand proud of the fact that I've been using Windows XP for about a year now. Before that was Windows ME (piece of trash came with the computer, that's why I changed to XP). At any rate, I may be the only reader that does not use Mac. Not anti-Mac, nor am I pro-PC. Just a computer user. PCs happen to fit my cost requirements.

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