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My Raptor

PicRap30.jpgNot one to wait, I jumped in and ordered my Raptor 30 v2 today. Here's the damage:

Raptor 30 v2 (49 Ball Bearings) Kit
  w/ OS.32 SX-H Motor and Muffler       $399.99
ProPod Training Gear                      59.99
Sportsman Flight Set                     299.99
Crash Kit                                 59.99
Futaba 9C PCM Radio w/servos             519.99
Futaba 401 Gyro Kit  w/servo             189.99
KSG Balance Kit                           42.99
$80 Goodie Bag                             FREE
Shipping                                   FREE
Total (will arrive end of next week)   $1572.93

I've yet to pick up Morgan's Cool Power 15% Nitro fuel. I'll have to do that sometime soon. Maybe. First thing is first, though: gotta get my copy of Ray's Authoritative Helicopter Manual. Maybe I'll even find a club nearby.

5 Responses to "My Raptor"

  1. Cough. Damn. When we raced remote control boats when I was a kid, I remember that the radio controller was always one of the more expensive pieces, but I'm only now reminded that the boats only needed relatively simple controllers, because there wasn't a lot to control.

  2. Also you just successfully made me feel better about my compulsion to buy a new snowboard. ;-p

  3. Yeah you dont fark around do you.

  4. I've always wondered, do RC helicopters have an auto throttle? i.e. you manage the collective and there's some device that manages the throttle?

  5. I've got a remote control helicopter for sale. It's the same one I wrote about here:Raptor 30 v2 (49 Ball Bearings) Kit w/ OS.32 SX-H Motor and Muffler $399.99 ProPod Training Gear 59.99 Sportsman Flight Set 299.99 Crash Kit 59.99...

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