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Just as I arrived home to check my email, I began getting an inordinate amount of blog spam. By "inordinate" I mean nearly 100 spam comments. I immediately began clicking the links to remove the comments and add the blog spam to the MT-Blacklist, but for awhile, the rebuilding process wasn't adding the spamming domains quickly enough to stem the flow of spam. My email checked every ten minutes, and here's how the progression went:

5, 16, 13, 7, 16, 17, 17, 6, 1 = 98

Since that "1" snuck through about an hour ago, MT-Blacklist has denied over 1000 more attempts to spam my blog with the domains. Somehow, all of the attacks are coming from differing IPs:

2004.01.12 01:58:48
MT-Blacklist comment denial on NSLog();:
2004.01.12 01:59:04
MT-Blacklist comment denial on NSLog();:
2004.01.12 01:59:13
MT-Blacklist comment denial on NSLog();:
2004.01.12 01:59:18
MT-Blacklist comment denial on NSLog();:

(Domains removed to prevent them from getting any exposure)

My MT-Blacklist remains here:

2 Responses to "Spamaroni"

  1. I haven't gotten any comment spam lately. I'm somewhat disappointed; I like to gleefully shoot them down with MT-Blacklist and feel good about it.

  2. Comment Spammers

    Comment spamming is really becoming a huge pain in the neck for webloggers. It's truly a battle. MT-Blacklist handles most of it, especially now that I have automated the updating of the blacklist, but there are still some that get through. Earlier thi...