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Recent Tunes 2.0 Available

recenttunesicon.gifRecent Tunes 2.0 is ready for download. You can grab a copy - free as always - from the freeware page at Freshly Squeezed Software.

Recent Tunes 2.0 adds the abilities to post to your blog via SSH1, SSH2, FTP, or for those who like using databases, HTTP GET. Of course, you can turn that option off altogether and just use RT for its original purpose: giving you quick access to recently played tunes.

7 Responses to "Recent Tunes 2.0 Available"

  1. Awesome. I was looking forward to this release as I hope to set up a similar "Current Tunes" feature on my own blog. Thanks again!

  2. Is it just me, or does the limit on Recent Tunes seem to be in effect 25? I set the limit to over 25, and I get 25 results.

    All in all, I love this program. It does its job simply, and it beats having an Applescript running all the time.

  3. Great, thanks. Finally a usable replacement for KungTunes. I do have one suggestion: Could you add an option to not launch iTunes upon Recent Tunes startup? I'd really like to set Recent Tunes as a startup item without iTunes launching at startup, too. It would also save one icon in the (already way too crowded) Dock.

  4. Recent Tunes doesn't show up in the dock.

  5. I also like it. 😉

    But could you add HTML encoding of the "european" like äöüéâ? And seperate the header for current and recent?

  6. Anny pointers for how to best include recent tracks on a blog? I'm using WordPress which is PHP based...

  7. Marcus: I'd really like to set Recent Tunes as a startup item without iTunes launching at startup, too. It would also save one icon in the (already way too crowded) Dock.

    Erik: Recent Tunes doesn't show up in the dock.

    Erik, I think Marcus was referring to iTunes being the "one icon in the (already way too crowded) Dock.

    BTW, if possible (and you're kind to make this freeware), I too would appreciate such an option.