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I plan to go to WWDC this year, but my ADC membership is up for renewal at the end of February. I wrote this letter to ADC today:

In years past, you've offered for $1500 a "WWDC + Select Renewal" deal. For the $1500, you got your Select Renewal, a hardware discount, a WWDC coupon, and the other little things.

You typically offer this promotion in March or so - but my renewal date is February 27. I do not want to miss out on this special if you will have it - as you have several years now - again this year. However, I also don't want to let my membership drop.

What can be done? If you're going to offer a WWDC special, I will probably take advantage of it. However, given my renewal date and the lack of such a package right now, I feel that I'm the one being taken advantage of slightly! 🙂

Please let me know what we can do. Thank you.

Here's to hoping something can be done. I've got about four weeks until my renewal is due, so there's a lot of time left on the clock.

2 Responses to "ADC and WWDC"

  1. Hopefully they'll get an answer back to you pretty soon. They seem to be pretty good at taking care of these situations. Last year I wanted to get the package but it didn't show up as an option for me. I was coming off of a student account. Within a couple days I received a custom invoice for the WWDC package with the last 2 months of my student membership prorated. Everything ended up going really smooth and better then expected. I never even thought of asking for the prorating since it was only about $30, but it was a nice good will bonus.

  2. I went to WWDC last year because my company (Absolute Software) paid for it. This year, they decided to step down their ADC membership from premier to select. Since it no longer includes a free WWDC ticket, I'm not sure if I'll be going this year. I've never gone when I had to pay on my own.

    I've always paid my own way to MacHack, since it's a lot cheaper, and the last 2 years I gave a session, which got me $100 off. There's no more MacHack this year - it's now AdHoc, but I still plan to go.

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