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Rock Star: SotM Special Pricing

rockstar.gifRock Star has been named (or will be named) MacAddict's "Shareware of the Month." To celebrate, we've dropped Rock Star's price to $9 (from $14)! We'll probably run this price for awhile, but we're not sure when we'll end the special - perhaps when the May 2004 issue of MacAddict hits store shelves in a few weeks?!

All we know is that everyone is playing Rock Star, yet the high scores list remains woefully short of names. Are y'all having that much trouble competing?! C'mon now!

Those of you with blogs will want to use this snippet of code to show off your ranking. Go ahead, get your copy today!!!

3 Responses to "Rock Star: SotM Special Pricing"

  1. Hi Erik, just noticed that the 'Picking up a copy' link on the following page points to a 404… It's in the first paragraph about the $9 pricing. Now, off to buy my copy of Rock Star!

  2. Right you are, and that's since been fixed. Thank you!

  3. FSS has the most killer icons EVER. Do you have any idea how much I would pay for a question mark-shaped guitar? A lot. That's how much.