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MP3 Ringtones

I've got phone book groups for Friends, Family, Hotties, Work, and General (i.e. everything else). I'm now faced with the burdensome task of trying to decide which custom ringtones to assign to each group.

Friends are, quite obviously, friends. They're people that I care about quite a bit and acquaintances are in "General" or "Work," not "Friends." Family is my parents, sister, and grandmother. Work are those numbers relating primarily to work, and General acts as my catch-all category. Unknown numbers not in my address book will get the general ringtone.

I won't defend my inclusion of the "Hotties" group other than to say that there's a very real reason why I might want to know when one is calling (and it's usually so I can not take the call lest I be sucked into a looooong conversation about the latest mistreatings of Hottie #3's current boy toy, etc.). Anyway, they're hot (and usually needy) gal friends.

So then: what MP3s are appropriate as ringtones for each of these? I have only just begun. "Bang the Drum All Day" for the work group (y'know, "I don't want to work…")? Suggestions?

P.S. Any suggestions on the software I should use to convert my MP3s, M4As, and M4Ps to low-bit-rate (32 or so) MP3 versions? Ideally said software could also crop out the good 15-second snippet and put fades on the ends. Suitable for ringtones, you see…?

13 Responses to "MP3 Ringtones"

  1. How about Bloodhound Gang's Bad Touch for the hotties group? O:-)

  2. You have a group for Hotties? You poor bastard.

  3. Sound Studio is great for editing like that. Import with QuickTime, edit and fade, save as AIFF. Then use (I guess) LAME or somesuch to convert to low bitrate MP3.

  4. For the 'freinds' group, how about the Friends tv show theme? It's by a band called the rembrandts, but i really can't remember what it's called atm.

  5. Kirtis, I think I'd fear getting beat up. It's called "I'll Be There for You." I'm almost tempted to use That's Just the Way It Is Baby instead as an inside joke, but then again, it's really not very funny. 🙂

  6. Good point. I must have forgotten that this isn't My sincere apologies.

  7. Hotties group == cheesy 70s porn music 🙂

    bah chicka bah baH!

  8. P.S. Any suggestions on the software I should use to convert my MP3s, M4As, and M4Ps to low-bit-rate (32 or so) MP3 versions? Ideally said software could also crop out the good 15-second snippet and put fades on the ends. Suitable for ringtones, you see…?

    You can use iTunes for everything except the fades. What you do is set your importing preferences to 32kbit mp3(or whatever), Get Info -> Options, select start and stop times, Advanced -> Convert Selection to mp3 and it should make a copy with out the beginning and ends of your song.


  9. How about DEVO cover of "Working in the Coal Mine" off of the Heavy metal soundtrack for the work group. How long can this go on?

  10. i downloaded 3 songs from i-tunes. when i checked them out in my music folder, i see they were downloaded as m4p's. can i convert them now, or do i have to pay another time to have itunes convert them to mp3's?

  11. Yvonne, Sorry you're out of luck there. You can't convert it from m4p, as it has the protection bit, unless you use something like HYMN to strip the bit. You'll have to burn it to a CD, then import it again as an mp3.

  12. zachk- you can use Audacity to edit the mp3. You can use the fade in and fade out plug in it has built in. You'll need to download the LAME library to use audacity to export the file as an mp3. You can get Audacity here:

  13. I re-did my ringtones today. I last worried about them May 8, 2004, but this time I got a little fancier. First, the list: Carey - Amazed Golf/Work - Forest for the Trees Friends - Good Intentions Family - We...

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