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QotD: House Fire

Question: If your house was on fire and you could grab only five things, what would they be?

My Answer: First would be my dog Flint, of course. Second would be my computer (yeah, I've got backups, but that'd be a pain in the ass). Next up we've got three fairly random things: my ammunition (it's in a fire-safe box, but why risk it?), my "box-o-Carey" stuff, and a hat. Credit for this question one goes to Kati.

You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

4 Responses to "QotD: House Fire"

  1. House Fire

    Question: If your house was on fire and you could grab only five things, what would they be? NSLog(); - QotD: House Fire Let's see. That would be: my dog my camera my laptop everything on the mantle my

  2. 1) Cooper (kid)

    2) Max (dog)

    3) knockando (powerbook)

    4) cell phone (which has the number of my insurance company in it

    5) a towel (a la HHGTTG, also good for wrapping the dog in so he doesn't scratch me)

    Note, I'm assuming my wife is going to get herself out by herself. In which case she can probably carry the kid (25 lbs) and me the dog (55 lbs and squirmier).

  3. QotD: House Fire

    __Question: If your house was on fire and you could grab only five things, what would they be?__

    My Answer: First for me? My iPod - it sounds crazy, but I keep backups on there. Second, my iBook - it has almost everything else. Third would be my c...

  4. QOT... If your house was on fire...

    what 5 things would you grab? People don't count, we're assuming everyone can fend for themselves.

    hard drive. data on there is important... or at least the backup DVD w/ my essential files

    box w/ important info we have.. insurance, copies of b...