QotD: Blog Authoring
Posted August 24th, 2004 @ 08:33pm by Erik J. Barzeski
Question: How do you author posts on your blog?
My Answer: I've been trying to get used to ecto lately. Now I see that 2.0 (currently in a closed beta) fixes a few of the things I dislike and adds some other useful features. Plus, like PulpFiction, more inspiration is drawn from Mail! Cool. I'm looking forward to getting my hands on it.
It's also nice that when I hit cmd-S, as I do habitually, ecto does the right thing. Safari does not.
You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.
Posted 24 Aug 2004 at 10:09pm #
QotD: Blog Authoring
Short answer: The web interface.
Posted 25 Aug 2004 at 2:57am #
Same here — ecto.
Posted 25 Aug 2004 at 12:44pm #
Posted 26 Aug 2004 at 1:48am #
Ecto here as well. I think I even got the inspiration to even use an app to post to TypePad from your recommendation of Ecto. (quick search) Yep, is when you mentioned it.
Posted 27 Aug 2004 at 12:57am #
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