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Eric has a good point:

Except that this isn't the top -- it just feels like it. The Sox have to win the World Series to eradicate the Curse. And wouldn't it be fascinating if they did so against the Houston Astros? That would be a Texas-Massachusetts Series, just a few days before we're deciding another important Texas-Massachusetts contest. And wouldn't it be sweet if Massachusetts won both of those?

Go Astros! 🙂

7 Responses to "Texas/Massachusetts"

  1. Not only the political side of things, but if it is in fact the Astros... how far around the bend would it send die hard Boston fans if Roger Clemens sent them home beaten for one more year?

    I keep telling people that the damage would be so extensive that they'd fold up the franchise and move it to Montreal 🙂

  2. I'll take Texas on both accounts. A recent comment dismissing teachers and then home making women as not "real jobs" by Mrs. Heinz-Kerry, just put my wife firmly into the Texas ticket for the political things.

    One of my beefs with the Kerry camp is all the talk about stopping off-shoring and how bad it is all the while running their own Heinz company with about 28 factories "off-shored". If they can't take care of that bad stuff in their own company, then how are they going to do it for a whole nation?

  3. J. Scott,

    Do you have a source for the alleged comment about teachers and home makers not being "real jobs". You may be correct, but I'm asking because your second comment about out-sourcing and the Kerry's "own[ing] Heinz" is quite mis-informed. Please see the following:

    Yes, they own a chunk of Heinz (about 4%) stock, so technically they "own" Heinz, like the other 96% of the shareholders. But it's not even close to a controlling interest. Furthermore, there's some doubt that Heinz is even doing anything "wrong" with respect to out-sourcing.

    Also, Kerry has stated many times that he's not out to make out-sourcing illegal, just less attractive by removing tax benefits that companies get for doing so, and enacting tax benefits for companies that keep jobs in the U.S. Like it or not, we are becoming a global economy, and out-sourcing is going to a part of that economy. The key, in my opinion, is to try to balance it and not have it steamroll American workers out of their jobs. Our economy needs time to create new jobs in different and expanding fields to absorb new workers while maintaining the current work force and letting those jobs go via natural attrition. I think Kerry's plan can help do that.

    And, just to stay slightly on topic. I don't care who Boston plays, I just want them to win because I'm originally from Philadelphia and have always liked Curt Schilling.


  4. I'll take Texas on both accounts. A recent comment dismissing teachers and then home making women as not "real jobs" by Mrs. Heinz-Kerry, just put my wife firmly into the Texas ticket for the political things.

    Maybe it's just me, but I wouldn't let the opinion of a candadite's wife influence my decision.

  5. I like both teams in the National League series, so I won't choose whom I want to win. However, the analyst in me sees the Cardinals winning. I could be wrong, however.

    As far as the whole Tex/Mass thing goes-- yeah, it's a funny coincidence, but I'm not buying into it. However if the ALCS featured the Red Sox versus the Texas Rangers, it may pique my interest. But not much.

  6. Maybe it's just me, but I wouldn't let the opinion of a candadite's wife influence my decision.

    Well that's good that you don't let THK's opinion sway you. How do you think John holds up?

    Seriously, I'm torn on the series. I've always liked the Sox, but the Stro's are more of a home town team. I guess I'll just cheer at the good plays no matter who makes them.

  7. Rob,

    Actually, I am quite informed. I know how much of the Heinz company they own. My point is that if they cannot influence that company where they do have a significant interest, how is he going to convince a "board" of senators and state representatives to do what he wants to do? And that is working under the assumption that I agree with what he wants to do…which is another issue. Since he has been so sparse on anything but criticism, I have do not have a good idea for what he wants to do.

    And, I never said that he wanted to make outsourcing illegal. In fact, I never mentioned outsourcing at all. I was talking about off-shoring which is an extension of outsourcing–outsourcing to other countries.

    And we don't need time to find new jobs for our people. What we need are people who want to work and will do what it takes. I run a company that is developing trying to develop software. You would not believe the difficult time I am having trying to find American programmers that will do a quality job in a reasonable amount of time for a great income. I have turned away whole development shops that would have cost me far less from places in Russia and India for this job so that I can work with an American programmer. However, I am now getting to the point where I feel I have to take up one of these companies. Is it the fault of the off-shore development companies that our programmers–at least the ones in my little world–are so lazy…no.

    Yes, I know that not every programmer is laze. But you reach a point where you get tired of trying to sort through so many bad ones that you finally decide to send jobs offshore. There are many issues to tend to in business, as I am sure you know. So anyone that makes buying easy usually gets the sale.

    Good luck on both your picks (baseball and politics).

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