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Played with Tiger

And, quite honestly, that's all I have to say about that. Found a few bugs, found a few nice things, and so on. Why, when I searched, the Finder couldn't find all of the files with ".m4p" but found every file "Protected" I don't know, but that's about all I have to say about that. And now I shall read this

8 Responses to "Played with Tiger"

  1. yeah, I've been running Tiger (my employer pays for an ADC Select membership)

    It's pretty cool. Not ready yet for normal use (not everything is stable yet, although the latest release is certainly better than the WWDC version) but the new features are cool.

    This is definitely one of those OS releases which is going to be accompanied by a lot of really cool third party software … even if none of Apple's new user-visible features excite you (although Dashboard and Spotlight are certainly going to be popular) there is enough amazing new stuff "under the hood" for developers that therere should be an awful lot of really amazing third party programs out there for Tiger's release. (Core Image is a favorite of mine, but there is a lot of other fun stuff in there too) 🙂

    As for bugs, I think I reported five or six today after I installed the new seed, and I'd reported a couple in the WWDC release earlier.

    They have a lot of work left to do (don't expect Tiger in January!) but the current seed allows one to see where they're going and it looks very good to me. (They seem to be experimenting with some user interface stuff, as seen in the differences between the WWDC release and 8A294, but I think they're heading in the right direction overall.)

  2. Let me guess… PulpFction. Seems the most logical FSS app that could really see a benefit from working with Spotlight.

  3. No, Alex. Spotlight doesn't currently work with single-file databases. It's a filesystem-level utility. That means that if PulpFiction were to work with Spotlight, it'd have to store each article as a separate file.

    I am reading the article for MailDrop 2 as well as general knowledge.

  4. Its been a while since WWDC, and I have not read into it deeply since i have no "need" to write something to take advantage of it…

    If you can not provide the information to spotlight, that's a shame and an oversight IMO (on apple not you). Many applications use databases to store files/information. While I can see why people might not want their IM databases index, it can be useful.

    Yes, databases are not "files" and there for might not need to be found… but I believe that spotlight is more of a tool for finding information on you system, then for simply finding files. The databases contain such information, and applications should be able to expose that information to spotlight.

    Q: And I can test it in a few days myself. Does Spotlight find entries in Safari RSS? I don't think it did… and perhaps I will right it up in a bug report.

    Of course with all that said, having spotlight "duplicate" index information from multiple databases on the hard drive could A slow it down to a crawl, and B make its database very large.

  5. Glancing at the title of this entry in my Feed Reader I figured it was a post on how you got schooled by Tiger Woods in a round of Golf...

  6. As far as your search failing... you probably should have been looking for ".m4a" files, unless you were after QuickTime video files that use the AAC codecs, in which case you should have search for ".mp4".

  7. Nick, that's not correct. My protected AAC files are ".m4p" - here's an Emerson Drive album:

    I Should Be Sleeping.m4p

    Hollywood Kiss.m4p

    Light of Day.m4p

    Passionate Desperate Love.m4p

    Only God (Could Stop Me Loving You).m4p

    Fall Into Me.m4p

    It's All About You.m4p

    I See Heaven.m4p

    Looking Over My Shoulder.m4p


    How Lucky I Am.m4p

    Say My Name.m4p

  8. is p/a the difference between protected and open AAC files?