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Tiger Installed

So, I've installed Tiger. I'll update this list as I find things out. Not much is surprising, as I've been playing with Tiger for awhile now.

  • The Delicious Library widget doesn't seem to work.
  • Why can't I make it so that the dashboard "dash" stays visible all the time?
  • I "imported" my settings and things from the other (my backup) disk. Now I've gotta find a good nightly backup script. I dunno if psync will cut it. It tends to leave empty folders, particularly in the /Applications directory.
  • Yes, moving your mouse around and looking up words is fun.
  • All Freshly Squeezed Software goodies work except Recent Tunes.
  • Had to reinstall USB Overdrive X, but that's it so far.
  • For some reason, the sound effect you get when you copy files, empty the trash, etc. does not play through my SoundSticks. I've reset the Sound settings several times. Magically started working. Nice new emptry trash sound. Does anyone else get a nifty sound when they move a file?
  • ASCIIMoviePlayer continues to work. 🙂
  • Gee, I wonder what Spotlight blacklists will be used for…
  • There's a lot more blue ("% Nice") showing up in my Activity Monitor.
  • Holding option down when starting Entourage no longer launches the Database repair thingy?
  • My v600 works with iSync now. Of course, after accidentally syncing 2000 contacts the first time around, I set up a "Phone Buddies" list and will synchronize only that set now.
  • I'm getting sick of Safari asking me to "Continue" when I download an application on a .dmg.

As I said, more to come as I play around some more.

6 Responses to "Tiger Installed"

  1. For me, the best part of installing Tiger was discovering that the Migration Assistant was actually helpful when I had a dying hard drive with my data on it, and I wasn't looking forward to copying all my files over by hand. Never thought I'd need to use it, but boy did it come in handy.

  2. I wrote a backup script for OS X a while back, and it's pretty good actually. It's made to be run from cron (for daily and/or weekly backups, for example), but it can be run from the command line too. It is written to do backups to a hard disk (e.g. a firewire drive), but used in conjunction with cdbackup it can back up to CDs or DVDs. If you like, I'll email it to you.

  3. Entourage database repair works for me. iSync surprised me (tested already with an earlier seed) as it seems to install a Symbian app for sync'ing these devices. My P910i now synchronizes _everything_ via iSync (including Address Book images) and SMS over Bluetooth from Address seems to work for me now. With the previous versions, it did not support UIQ phones. Nice update so far.

  4. Recent Tunes works, you just have to delete the key/values for the recently played songs in the applications preference file.


  5. Well, to expand on my last comment, it seems you have to do that before you launch RecentTunes every time...oh well, I'll write a script to do it for me...

    I love this program that much.

  6. I can't get the user interface sound effects to play at all! I see no difference from Panther in this regard. I did the archive and install to go to Tiger from Panther - would that make a difference? I'd love to have these sounds.