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QotD: Language

Question: What's your favorite programming language? Why?

My Answer: Objective-C, and probably because I've done the most work with it. It's easy to look at, easy to debug (relatively), and easy to write. C naturally follows right after Obj-C.

You are encouraged to answer the Question of the Day for yourself in the comments or on your blog.

15 Responses to "QotD: Language"

  1. Definitely Objective-C for any serious programming. No contest.

    Perl is great for quick stuff, and any text processing of course.

  2. C++ because it has less runtime overhead than Objective C, although I'm starting to fall in love with Cocoa.

  3. PHP for me, although that might be deemed by some to be a scripting language rather than full-blow programming language (though I think such distinctions are mostly moot). In terms of desktop apps, Objective-C + Cocoa wins hands down over anything else I've tried.


  4. JavaScript. No joke. It's a blast writing JS. Although... Ruby is quickly working its way up the list.

  5. ObjectiveC for the desktop, Java for server stuff, PHP for simple server stuff where MySQL is the appropriate database, Perl for the fact that being able to read your code again after a year without touching it is for wimps, AppleScript Studio for a quick hack, AppleScript for automation, VisualBasic.NET for reading MS-provided example code and translating it to Java

  6. Depends on the context. I like:

    HyperTalk, because it's how I learned to program when I was a kid;

    Perl when I need a quick hack;

    Objective-C for serious programming;

    Java when I need cross-platform.

    I don't like:

    C++. I once thought the STL would allow me to do what I do with NSArray in Objective-C and Vector in Java. Apparently not so;

    AppleScript, the syntax is too wretched;

    PHP. Next project I will try Ruby.

  7. 1. Perl

    2. Objective-C

    3. JavaScript



  8. I feel python should be represented. Aside from a few weird points, it's pretty easy to pick up. Writing it is fun, and its fairly straight forward to read.

  9. right now it's c# (because that's what i work with most at work), but there are plenty of problems with it. other than that it's ruby.

  10. Python. Elegant and powerful.

    And if you were to ask what is my favorite GUI framework, I'd have to say I've never seen anything as sophisticated as Cocoa. If I were to write an application with complex back-end logic (something other than a simple GUI front-end to a data store of some sort), I'd implement the business logic/model layer in Python, and then bridge that to a Cocoa front-end written with Objective-C.

  11. 6502 Assembly, because it's one of the first I learned.

    Perl : readable, hackable, c like.

  12. Objective-C because developing GUI applications with Cocoa is like dancing.

    My second would be Java for server-side code.

  13. REALBasic for GUI apps [x-plat Mac/Win/Linux]. Hard to beat RB on RAD for GUI apps.

    Python for console apps. Subtle and efficient.

    PHP for Web apps.

  14. Visual Basic because it's the only one that I "know"

  15. For non-garbage-collected languages, I definitely prefer Objective-C. But I still greatly prefer GC.

    Ruby and SmallTalk are pretty much tied for my favorite with Lisp right behind them.