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Black Dry-Erase Boards

I went looking (just to Staples) for black dry-erase boards. I swear they exist… you use fluorescent dry-erase markers on them. I found one at and another at, but the prices seem a bit extreme. 18" x 24" is probably all I need, but are they really $45.99? Or $77.99 for a 24" x 36"? That seems extreme.

Anyone out there with any ideas or suggestions? I'd like to get one to put on the wall in the game room.

P.S. I'm wondering if simply framing a piece of glass (the walls in the room will be dark green) would work. I'd still use bright markers. Hmmm…

13 Responses to "Black Dry-Erase Boards"

  1. Have you thought about getting a nice blackboard? That would be my choice for a game room. Otherwise, I think that the glass idea could be neat if you got a nice frame and had a colored background of some kind behind the glass.

  2. Consider blackboard paint for your wall. You're in a game room. You can always repaint over, and not have a blackboard to move around or store. I bought blackboard paint, and also magnetic paint from Lowe's Boynton Beach about 15$ USD each. Blackboard is erasable, and after repainting magnetic paint with original wallpaint, I use that instead of corkboard to post things. happy new year.

  3. Sorry, but no. I don't want the mess of chalk (except on the end of my cue). I want dry erase.

  4. My wife and I use our bathroom mirrors as dry erase boards. We write notes to ourselves on the mirror, and it works really well. Mirrors also work well as a sort of decoration, so you might want to consider trying that. It would be about the same price as the black dry erase board, no?

  5. Erik, try a restaurant supply store--those sorts of boards are frequently seen in restaurants.

  6. Cloetus has a good idea.. restaurants are the main places I've seen those.

  7. I may have come up with a solution to my black dry-erase board dilemma. I bought two 18" x 24" pieces of clear plexiglass today (two in case I mess one up). I found some 8/32" two-way screws, which is...

  8. Chalkboards are almost as expensive as black dry erase boards.

  9. Just frame a large piece of black laminate on the should work as well as a dry erase and much cheaper at that scale.

  10. hey, I've been looking for one as well. I found some pretty cheap ones here, this one's a little small, and here.

    hope that helps.

  11. hey

    it's me again
    I was looking somemore
    and I found ones for really cheap
    and the shipping's not as expensive as the others either

  12. Try the transparent dry erase film from ! They have the perfect, inexpensive, and quick answer to dry erase paint. If you want a black board, simply paint it black, and apply the transparent skin. I works great... you can even use the surface as a crayon board.

  13. I have used black formica/laminate as a dry erase board but it takes alot of work to get the marker off. It's better for something long term rather than daily use. E-bay has some smaller ones like you are looking for. I have been searching for this too but I need rather large ones and the shipping on the ones I have found is more than the product itself! it's amazing how difficult these are to find as common as they are in restaurants! Love the glass idea!! I might try that one!!! thanks!

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