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Scorecard 1.0 – Golf Stats for Mac OS X

Scorecard IconScorecard 1.0 - an application a year in development (well, in calendar time, if you get the drift…) is now available. I've worked with Brad on this project for quite some time, and have been using it for months to keep track of my golf statistics. It works beautifully.

There really are no comparative products on the Mac. The other golf stats apps out there are hideous to look at and use. Hell, they're why we created Scorecard. Head on over to Brad's site at to get Scorecard today.

And yes, we're still looking for a Windows developer.

5 Responses to "Scorecard 1.0 – Golf Stats for Mac OS X"

  1. Scorecard

    Erik J. Barzeski has just announced some new software for Mac OS X called Scorecard that looks really cool. If you’re into golf and keep track of your statistics to see how your play is progressing, this is definitely the tool for you!
    Head on ov...

  2. Erik, did you ever get my email with the developer's contact details in? I just spoke to him and he said he never heard anything and was just chasing it up to find out if you had someone yet ...

  3. [...] Scorecard, a golf statistics application for Mac OS X, has reached version 1.1. First released in August, Scorecard is the first shipping application from the successor to Freshly Squeezed Software. That company - owned by long-time FSS member Brad Miller - is Cynical Peak, and Brad and I share a company blog as well. [...]

  4. Very nice app Erik. I just purchased it and will begin filling it with that bagfull of scorecards I have lying next to my Mac. 🙂

    Glad to see you haven't backed off after your move away from Florida.


  5. [...] a golf statistics application for Mac OS X, has reached version 1.1. First released in August, Scorecard is the first shipping application from the successor to Freshly Squeezed Software. That [...]