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Resizing and Leaking

Photoshop CS3 beta can't resize images (yeah, that's what "interpolation on image resize is not working" means).

And "pmTool" - the app run by Activity Monitor to update the info window - leaks like a sieve on Intel Macs. Since removing it from my dock, the morning routine of heavy disk thrashing for ten minutes has all but ceased to exist. Previously, pmTool would force most other apps to page out all their data as Activity Monitor sat quietly in the dock doing its work. You can watch the darn thing count its way up. Running leaks produces some results:

[9:01am iacas@Bunny:~] % sudo leaks pmTool
Process 8475: 9398 nodes malloced for 1444 KB
Process 8475: 24 leaks for 118784 total leaked bytes.
Leak: 0x01816800  size=5120     string '´'
Leak: 0x01814000  size=5120     string '´'
Leak: 0x01812c00  size=5120     string '´'
Leak: 0x01811800  size=5120     string '´'
Leak: 0x01820800  size=5120     string '´'
Leak: 0x01810400  size=5120     string '´'
Leak: 0x0180dc00  size=5120     string '´'
Leak: 0x0180c800  size=5120     string '´'
Leak: 0x0180a000  size=5120     string '´'
Leak: 0x01808c00  size=5120     string '´'
Leak: 0x01806e00  size=5120     string '´'
Leak: 0x0181e000  size=5120     string '´'
Leak: 0x0181cc00  size=5120     string '´'
Leak: 0x0181b800  size=5120     string '´'
Leak: 0x0181a400  size=5120     string '´'
Leak: 0x01819000  size=5120     string '´'
Leak: 0x01823000  size=5120     string '´'
Leak: 0x01824400  size=5120     string '´'
Leak: 0x01825800  size=5120     string '´'
Leak: 0x01826c00  size=5120     string '´'
Leak: 0x01829400  size=5120     string '´'
Leak: 0x0182a800  size=5120     string '´'
Leak: 0x01815400  size=5120     string '´'
Leak: 0x01808800  size=1024     string '!'

5 Responses to "Resizing and Leaking"

  1. Someone else mentioned this recently, and I've been watching it on my machine. I'm guessing you (or that someone who I forget) has logged this through radar?

  2. [quote comment="33930"]Someone else mentioned this recently, and I've been watching it on my machine. I'm guessing you (or that someone who I forget) has logged this through radar?[/quote]

    Yes, and it was quickly marked as a duplicate.

  3. Maybe that's why my mini crawls to a halt every now & again. Drives my wife nuts... she's tired of the spinner cursor.

    On my MBP, here's what I get:
    Process 334: 31846 leaks for 163034112 total leaked bytes.

    On my mini, here's what I get:
    Process 295: 28493 leaks for 145880064 total leaked bytes.

    It might be time to quit using Activity Monitor. 🙁

    PS - I'm sure that running Parallels Desktop (256MB for Windows) and Fast User Switching 2 users on our 1GB mini doesn't really help matters.

    Thanks for the post - I wondered what was going on.

  4. I was seeing pmTool leak, but it would only grow to about 26MB. More disturbing to me was that it was taking around 15% of my processor. I installed the lastest security update and it still leaks, but now it is back down to ~2% of CPU usage. Maybe 10.4.9 will fix the leaks.

  5. [...] Resizing and Leaking - oops. [...]