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Sand Trap Misdirection and Empty Feeds

Two things, both related to The Sand Trap

One: If you're getting this feed and you expect to be getting a feed for The Sand Trap, please update your feeds to point to I mistakenly copied a .htaccess file that redirected users - some permanently - here to my personal blog.

Two: I've resolved (or worked around) this issue in WordPress at TST by redirecting wp-feed.php files to /feed/format/ (i.e. wp-rss2.php now redirects users to feed/rss2/). I believe the bug is fixed in WordPress 2.1.

5 Responses to "Sand Trap Misdirection and Empty Feeds"

  1. One: you so sneaky!

    Two: I have asked Mark J if he can look at backporting the fix for 2.0.8 .

  2. I've backported the patch for 2.0.8.

    It's available on trac for you to test out if you wish.

  3. Erik, would you please enable full text for feeds again? It's under Options --> Reading in WP. NSLog seems to have reverted to summaries (really, excerpts). I'm not sure if you meant to do this, or if it was an issue with the .htaccess files.

    It's so much more convenient (and quicker) to read articles in my feed reader, than to open them in Safari for a few extra words.

    Thanks! 😀

  4. [quote comment="38021"]Erik, would you please enable full text for feeds again? It's under Options --> Reading in WP. NSLog seems to have reverted to summaries (really, excerpts). I'm not sure if you meant to do this, or if it was an issue with the .htaccess files.[/quote]

    I know where it is. I disabled it (after realizing it was on), after all. It had nothing to do with the .htaccess files.

    I'm still on the fence re: summaries versus full feeds for personal blogs. For TST, for example, we'll likely always have summaries. But here... I don't know which I prefer. So I'll likely flip back and forth when I think about it or the mood strikes me.

  5. The bug has indeed been back-ported. Here's the diff.