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Large Camera Stores Near Erie?

All Erie has in the way of camera stores is Van Tuil, a store that appears to cater to people wishing to have their photographs developed more than anything. They carry very little stock, charge a good bit more than B&H, and aren't even terribly helpful half the time.

So, I'm looking for a big huge camera store within two hours of Erie, PA (Buffalo, Cleveland, Pittsburgh). I want to look at some backpacks, hold some cameras, feel the weight of some different lenses, look at a tripod or two, etc.

Does anyone know of such a store?

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2 Responses to "Large Camera Stores Near Erie?"

  1. Might be too far, but Midwest Photo Exchange in Columbus is apparently pretty cool.

  2. [quote comment="38789"]Might be too far, but Midwest Photo Exchange in Columbus is apparently pretty cool.[/quote]

    Probably just a little too far: a good 3.5 hour drive. I'll remember it when I'm around Columbus, but for a one-day trip or the occasional "reasonably quick pickup" it's a stretch.

    I also posted elsewhere.