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Presque Isle Winter Shooting

After installing a new garage door opener, I received a call from Ron asking if I'd like to go to Presque Isle to take pictures. Sure, I said! And we ventured forth. I shot most of the day in aperture priority at f/5.6. I didn't notice that my ISO was set to 400 (I'd have chosen 100), but did remark a few times that 1/4000 even at +1 exposure compensation did seem awfully fast. Derrr. All shots done with the Rebel XTi and the EF 28-135 IS/USM. Only some levels, white balance, and cropping done in post-processing.

There weren't nearly as many ice fishermen as I would have thought:

Presque Isle Icefishing

My camera's AF mode was also set to single-shot. I'd have preferred, of course, to have AI Servo AF activated. Still, I did manage to capture one good shot of a seagull, though, because it was flying just about perpendicular to me:

Presque Isle Seagull

A young ice fisherman:

Presque Isle Ice Fisherman

Perry's Monument:

Presque Isle Winter Perry's Monument

It's unlikely this life saver will be needed any time soon:

Presque Isle Winter Lifesaver

We spent quite a few hours at Presque Isle. By about 4:30, the sun was low in the sky and creating some nifty shadows:

Late Afternoon Presque Isle Winter

Random Ron
Ron Richardson (of this site) asked Carey and I to go, so along the way I snagged some shots of Ron. In the first shot, I'm not sure what he sees in the bench, but I'm sure it involves snow.

Ron Richardson Pi Taking Picture

Taking a breather near Perry's Monument:

Ron Richardson Sitting Down

Yes ladies, he's available. For a good time, call 814-555-…

Ron Richardson Available

3 Responses to "Presque Isle Winter Shooting"

  1. Wow Erik, that seagull shot came out really great! Nice stuff!

  2. That last pick of Ron is funny as hell. Someone get that boy a girlfriend!

  3. Wow, that seagull shot is AMAZING!

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