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Grandma’s Framed Shots

After attending the Pens game last Friday, Carey and I went to visit my grandma in Bedford. The primary reason was so that I could take pictures of her for her 80th birthday. The family is throwing a little party in late April for the occasion.

I took several pictures, and had only two real shots in mind (two that are included here). The third shot with the large wooden spoon and fork just came about because they're two of the few remaining items from her old house. Since she'd lived in one place for as long as I've been alive until the past few years, that picture does a good job of capturing what I remember about my grandma ((It could have used a bit of a reflector, but I'd forgotten about my foam core boards until later.)). The three pictures (5x7 and 4x3) will fit inside an 11x14 frame, likely with a very light grey or white mat.

Grandma Frame Head

3 Responses to "Grandma’s Framed Shots"

  1. Those are nice shots. You either did a good job with the lighting (perhaps window light?) but I like the way it balances and comes in from the left.

    Hopefully that spoon wasn't used to whip yo butt when you were younger, whippersnapper 😉

  2. I love your black and whites. Nice work, dude.

  3. [...] grandma with some of her presents. In the second image, you can see the results of the trip Carey and I made back in March to take some [...]