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Where the Heck is Spring?

The ten-day forecast for the Erie area doesn't even reach 50°. Not once. This is April, fer crissakes, and we're not even going to hit 50 degrees. Sure, it started well - we had a day that hit 75°, but now we're paying for it.

I just watched An Inconvenient Truth today, too. While I don't doubt the science or much of the movie, really, I know you'd have a hard time convincing anyone in Erie right now that there's any such thing as global warming.

Took this picture in the yard today with the 70-200. Color saturation on yellows, greens, and reds bumped up a little bit, and white and black point pinched in. It's on the Desktops page, too. Handheld, or I'd have more DoF than f/5.6 gave me.

Flower Buds

I hope to get some golf in on Saturday (please reach 45°) and Sunday Ron and I are going to take pictures somewhere. Does anyone have any suggestions? Someplace that doesn't need to be alive (and green)? If the weather is crap, we might be forced inside anyway.

5 Responses to "Where the Heck is Spring?"

  1. Spring is in Germany. We had 25 °C (77° F) today, is more like summer than like spring.

  2. Perhaps you don't remember the 70 degree day we had in January and the extremely warm weather leading up to it. This is, unfortunately, the other side of that picture.

  3. [quote comment="41155"]Perhaps you don't remember the 70 degree day we had in January and the extremely warm weather leading up to it. This is, unfortunately, the other side of that picture.[/quote]

    January was incredibly cold. December was rather warm, but it rained constantly (or I'd have golfed in December, and I did not).

    Weather doesn't have "sides" like you'd suggest, and even if it had, December was more than made up for already by the incredibly cold January.

  4. Sorry, in the Capitol District of NY I golfed right through the middle of Jan. After that winter finally set in. I don't really mean to rub it in, LOL.

  5. Weather has been goofy this year. In California it has randomly bounced between colder than average and warmer than average, and in southern California we've had very, very little precipitation. (In many areas it will likely be the driest year on record.) It's definitely spring here, though.

    I was in Paris in March and the weather there was a bit wacky, too. At the beginning of our trip it was sunny and hot. I got a mild sunburn.. wasn't expecting that. Trying to buy sunscreen in March in Paris is difficult, but we found some (although it was expensive). Of course, then it stopped being sunny as soon as we bought it. It hailed and snowed before we left.

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