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2007 Memorial Pictures

I took about 2000 pictures (and Ron took another 1000 or so) at this year's Memorial just outside Columbus, OH.

This year I focused primarily on taking pictures of the players. Last year I did a good bit of the course itself. The results can be seen in four posts at The Sand Trap:

My favorite shot? I don't have just one. But I do like this one…

Next week I'm off to the U.S. Open at Oakmont, though I'll only be taking pictures the first few days and many of them will be of the course.

4 Responses to "2007 Memorial Pictures"

  1. Erik, I'm a volunteer this year at the Open. (First timer, and first time at a pro tournament.)

    At my training last weekend, they mentioned cameras are allowed only Monday-Wednesday? Is this only a USGA rule? An Open rule? Hearing this makes sense in ways, but I was still surprised.

    I was amazed at the preparations they are doing. 36,000 square foot merchandise tent. A row of generators, plywood _above_ the ground everywhere. They had to have closed the course down 2-4 weeks ago with everything they are putting up.

    Looking forward to it!

  2. [quote comment="41723"]At my training last weekend, they mentioned cameras are allowed only Monday-Wednesday?[/quote]

    It's a rule, but it applies to spectators. Press get press credentials and usually have badges and big stickers that show that they're allowed inside the ropes, with cameras, all days.

    Very cool that you'll be a volunteer. If you see me (you may recognize me), stop me and say hello. Where are you volunteering?

  3. Geek it up. How far back were you and what lenses were you using. Those are some nice shots. 🙂

  4. [quote comment="41740"]Geek it up. How far back were you and what lenses were you using. Those are some nice shots. :)[/quote]

    All Canon gear. Some were with the 400/5.6. Some were with my 70-200. I didn't get the 24-70 on because it's pretty wide on a full-frame camera and I didn't really want any "crowd/amphitheater/scene" type shots.