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iTunes Party Shuffle: Same Song Twice in a Row

This song came up twice in a row in Party Shuffle mode. The exact same song (and the same file):

Erik is listening to "Everlasting Love" by Howard Jones from the album "Cross That Line" (1989). Erik has rated this song 4.0 stars and last played this song Sunday, June 24, 2007 9:05:42 pm.

I have over 10,000 tracks. To say this is a bit odd is an understatement. Then again, with as much music as I listen to, I suppose one could also say it's overdue.

6 Responses to "iTunes Party Shuffle: Same Song Twice in a Row"

  1. I've sometimes seen two versions of the same song but never exactly the same one twice in a row. Interestingly, I often see songs containing the same word next to each other in the shuffle, such as "Chicago" by Sufjan Stevens followed by "Is Chicago, Is Not Chicago" by Soul Coughing.

  2. At least it was a decent song.

  3. Have you seen the DIY smart radio station for iTunes?

    I prefer that to iTunes' not-so-smart shuffle feature.

  4. That's happened to me before, do you have the "Play Higher Rated Songs More Often" checkbox ticked?

  5. To prevent the two songs in a row bug (it annoys the crap outta me too) - just create a smart playlist that only matches things that haven't been played in the last day. Worked for me!

  6. [quote comment="45677"]To prevent the two songs in a row bug (it annoys the crap outta me too) - just create a smart playlist that only matches things that haven't been played in the last day. Worked for me![/quote]

    It's not a bug. If you pull a card from a deck and then re-shuffle the deck, eventually you're going to pull the same card twice in a row. The odds are a lowly 1-in-52 that you'll pull the same card as the one you pulled previously.