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nePatriots = bigCheaters;


4 Responses to "nePatriots = bigCheaters;"

  1. Agreeeeeeee!!!!!!

    Do a poll: What percentage of NFL teams engage in videotaping or other spying, such as the Patriots did?

    - less than 10
    - 25-50
    - 50-75
    - all of them

  2. so you think their're cheeters i hope the pat's open up a can of woopass on the colts

  3. [quote comment="44130"]so you think their're cheeters i hope the pat's open up a can of woopass on the colts[/quote]

    Would be fine by me. I don't care about the Colts.

  4. [...] Lost in the hype of the Patriots "perfect season" is the simple fact that they're proven cheats. [...]