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Mac News Junkie Bundle Now Available

IconIconTwo great applications - EagleFiler and Cyndicate - are being offered this week for a combined "bundle" price of $55.

Cyndicate, of course, I've written about before. I continue to believe it's the best feed reader/aggregator on the market today and one of its killer features - ratings - was developed with help from EagleFiler's developer, Michael Tsai.

EagleFiler integrates with Cyndicate to provide one-key access to store the permalinked web archives. Once in EagleFiler, you can file it into a folder, tag it, search it, add notes, and otherwise get to your data much more quickly.

Whether you're a student, a researcher, or just someone doing your job or following your hobbies, Cyndicate and EagleFiler make a great duo.

More information on the bundle is available here. Remember, this is only available for one week at $55, a savings of over 20%.

One Response to "Mac News Junkie Bundle Now Available"

  1. [...] is the last day to pick up, at a savings of over 20% off, the Mac News Junkie Bundle I wrote about a few days [...]