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New Photo Battle Blog

I'll keep this short and sweet: I've started a "photo battle blog" here:

Two pictures are posted daily by two people (one of them me). You can click the images to view them at their full size (800 x whatever) and then click a button below to vote for the one you prefer.

Please, pretty please visit daily and vote daily.

Thank you.

About the Voting: Voting is done via a special plugin developed by Aaron Linville and myself (mostly Aaron). The other WordPress voting plugins did too much. The position of each photo is randomized so one isn't consistently positioned in a "more dominant" location.

4 Responses to "New Photo Battle Blog"

  1. How can one participate ?

  2. [quote comment="45702"]How can one participate ?[/quote]

    Well, right now, it's a two-person deal and that's it. Steve and I are participating. If he bails for some reason, I'll keep you on the short list of people to contact, but I hope he's in it for the long haul. 🙂

  3. Erik,

    This is pretty cool -- I'd also like to participate if you end up with "guest photographers" at any point.

    I did notice one small bias in the system - since the images are located in named folders, it's possible to determine which of you took the photo. I suspect this is not so high stakes that this bias will matter, but I wanted to point it out =)

    Neat work!

  4. [quote comment="45738"]This is pretty cool -- I'd also like to participate if you end up with "guest photographers" at any point.[/quote]

    Yeah, and a few other people have commented to say as much lately as well.

    I'll tell you what: perhaps you and I can chat - along with some others - and we can put together some sort of group photo blog with voting. Six or eight people.

    Beyond two, I wasn't sure how to overcome a few problems. Perhaps there's still a way. Heck, perhaps people can randomly be shown images and then via scripting languages they can organize them in the order they like, then cast their vote. That might be nifty.

    Anyway, I think even after only a few days this "mildly competitive" idea is a good one. AIM me sometime - Ludovic, you too please. If we can come up with something, perhaps we can start April 1. Date seems appropriate. 🙂

    [quote comment="45738"]I did notice one small bias in the system - since the images are located in named folders, it's possible to determine which of you took the photo. I suspect this is not so high stakes that this bias will matter, but I wanted to point it out =)[/quote]

    Or does that only show bias in the voter, since you have no reason to check the image's path unless you want to vote for one or the other? 🙂

    In other words, yeah, I know - but there's no easy way to tell as a visitor, so I think we're pretty much in the clear.