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Windows Key Press Queue Annoyance

I'm used to, on my Mac, queuing up commands when I know a dialog will appear. For example, I'll hit a keystroke that requires confirmation and hit the "enter" key very quickly.

In Windows, lately, I've been hitting the delete key to move a file to whatever the Trash in XP is called and hitting "enter" as a way of saying "Yes, I actually want to move the file I just told you to delete." Problem is, the "enter" keystroke is sent before the dialog appears and so Windows throws up an error saying "you can't really open sseay32.dll" with the "move to the trash?" dialog beneath it.

I only have to wait a second (sometimes TWO!!) for the "move to trash?" dialog to appear, but it sometimes seems like an eternity.

7 Responses to "Windows Key Press Queue Annoyance"

  1. I, too, do this constantly. Although it's usually with documents, so the enter starts the corresponding app launching (silently, of course).

  2. Wow, and I thought it was just me.

  3. This irks me almost every day. I use Mac at home, and primarilly Windows at work. Switching gears constantly screws with me. No wonder I suck and video games too. Just can't get the fingers and the brain on the same page if I am changing platforms/titles all the time. Frusterating.

  4. I only use my PC every once in a while, and it seems like every time I delete that first file, I make that same timing mistake. Drives me crazy.

  5. I do that with windows -> run all the time. I use quicksilver on my mac, and i can enter it fast and it does it all, but when I do it on windows, I end up a) entering text into an open document and b) getting an error message that "lc" can't be opened (when I try and open the calculator with calc)

  6. This is the most god-awful annoying behavior of Windows (besides everything else).

  7. You can disable the delete confirmation in Windows. I don't have Windows in front of me but I'm pretty sure the option is found by right-clicking the "Recycle Bin," clicking Properties, and unchecking the appropriate box.