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Got a Neck Guard

Needless to say, I went out and bought a neck guard today.

What's most incredible is how lightly he seems to have been struck by the skate. It wasn't a slicing motion and it wasn't even firm enough to push his head or neck backwards. Another video can be found here.

Blood on Ice

3 Responses to "Got a Neck Guard"

  1. It amazes me that it doesn't happen more often. Morrow of the Stars had his wrist stepped on last year and it was pretty gruesome.

    I think Modano hit someone in the cheek this year with his skate causing a gash.

    The scariest one I've seen is that Buffalo goalie from a long time ago. That guy is really lucky to be alive.

    Those skates are dame sharp. I know I've cut my finger accidentally after having them sharpened, I can't image how sharp they might be at the NHL level.

    What kind of neck guard did you get Erik? I've seen the high schoolers wearing them in the rink I skate at. What are they made of?

  2. [quote comment="45923"]I think Modano hit someone in the cheek this year with his skate causing a gash.[/quote]

    Just the day before a ref was caught in the cheek in the Rangers/Flyers game and had to leave the game. He was bleeding too much but tried to stop some fights before another ref sent him off away and to get help. Two fairly gruesome high skates in two days.

    [quote comment="45923"]What kind of neck guard did you get Erik? I've seen the high schoolers wearing them in the rink I skate at. What are they made of?[/quote]

    Just foam with a little cloth over it. In fact, this one.

  3. When I was growing up playing hockey, neck guards were standard equipment.

    This happened after Sabres' goalie Clint Malarchuk's jugular was cut. (Yes, he survived.)

    I haven't stopped wearing mine since.