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Received the Mexican Coke

I'd like to thank the two folks with whom I worked out a deal for some smuggled Mexican Coke. I received my first set and, well, it's great. Not only is it nice to drink from a bottle again, but the taste is very, very clean. There's no syrupy after-taste. Mmmmmm.

9 Responses to "Received the Mexican Coke"

  1. You know, out of context that headline can have much more interesting interpretations. :mrgreen:

  2. [quote comment="47467"]You know, out of context that headline can have much more interesting interpretations.[/quote]

    Now that you point that out, uhh, yeah. 🙂

  3. Also, there is kosher Coca-Cola that is made with cane sugar as well. Why they don't try to market a "premium" soda that is cane sugar coke I will never understand.

  4. [quote comment="47469"]Also, there is kosher Coca-Cola that is made with cane sugar as well. Why they don't try to market a "premium" soda that is cane sugar coke I will never understand.[/quote]

    I wish they would too. It can't be too pricy if folks like Jones Soda can bring it to market without a 3x markup. I don't care how big the corn syrup subsidies are - obviously Jones is making money off it.

  5. I'm not American, but I lived there for 4 years. I don't drink much pop/soda (take your pick 😛 ), so I think it's quite possible that I went those 4 years without tasting the non-cane-sugar drinks. But now I'm quite curious to know what they taste like. Next time I go down there, I'll make sure it's on my todo list.

  6. Oh, meant to thank you for the previous post, Erik. I picked up some kosher Coke during Passover, and it was incredible.

    As a kid, we bought something called Coca-Cola Syrup from the local pharmacy, and took it whenever we had stomach aches (according to Wikipedia, that's directly from Coca-Cola, interesting). It reminded me of sick days in elementary school.

    Next year, I think I'm going to buy a few bottles of it - much easier than importing from Mexico. :mrgreen:

    I'd love to see something like Coke Original or Coke Plus sold. I'd buy it, and I barely even drink soda anymore.

    P.S. - Jones soda is excellent. Nice to see someone using superior ingredients instead of going the cheap route.

  7. I'm so jealous. I haven't found a source of Mexican Coke yet, which I think is quite surprising seeing as there are so many Mexicans in N.C.

    I tried to get some kosher Coke but was too late for it. I guess I'll try earlier next year.

    Not even the local Costco has it. They did have glass bottles of Coke that are sweetened with "sucrose and/or high fructose corn syrup," but I know that's not what I'm looking for.

  8. You can find Mexican Coke in any Mexican Store...or at Wal-Mart in the hispanic section....

  9. [...] a few months ago I ran out of the Mexican Coke some people kindly mailed to me. It was great, and I saved it for special occasions. I drank it a [...]