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iPhone 3G Don’t Wannas

I don't wanna activate in a store.

I don't wanna pay more for 3G if I live in an area without 3G.

I don't wanna pay extra for text messages. I mean, c'mon.

7 Responses to "iPhone 3G Don’t Wannas"

  1. The difference is ~$6.00/month over the life of the contract. Really, for a 3G speed bump and finished SDK I think that's worth it.

  2. [quote comment="47977"]The difference is ~$6.00/month over the life of the contract. Really, for a 3G speed bump and finished SDK I think that's worth it.[/quote]

    Not sure how you've gotten $6/month. It's $10/month, and perhaps $15 if they take out SMS, too. The SDK will result in applications for the "gen 1" iPhones too, so that's not a "plus" for the iPhone 3G.

    If you're taking money off for the "price drop" on the iPhone, that's unfair. Not everyone pays retail (or pays at all).

    Also, you have to be in an area with 3G for the "speed bump" to matter.

  3. I have the money saved up and was all poised to get 2 iPhones and spend the $40/mo. Then we find that the service fee went up by 50%. I'm not sure I can do $60/mo... 🙁

  4. You're right, Erik. I thought the out-of-store activation last year was amazing. I thougth for sure that Apple/AT&T were on to something.

    And I would gladly pay more for the phone to avoid the increased data charges. It seems that AT&T is taxing iPhone users to pay off the cost of improving their network, which they should have done in the first place - especially considering there are still users who won't be in 3G-covered areas. Apple isn't even getting a cut of our monthly bills anymore, and yet AT&T is STILL increasing the costs. Seems just greedy to me.

    I tried to get SMS removed when I bought my iPhone. I really hate SMS. And seeing as the iPhone does great with email, I see no need for it. They were able to downright disable text messages from my father's phone, but said it was just not possible for an iPhone. The iPhone comes with text messaging and that is that.

  5. [quote comment="47978"]Not sure how you've gotten $6/month. It's $10/month, and perhaps $15 if they take out SMS, too. The SDK will result in applications for the "gen 1" iPhones too, so that's not a "plus" for the iPhone 3G.

    If you're taking money off for the "price drop" on the iPhone, that's unfair. Not everyone pays retail (or pays at all).

    Also, you have to be in an area with 3G for the "speed bump" to matter.[/quote]

    I do not see how comparing the retail price of one iphone to another is 'unfair'. Just because some people do not pay retail (that'd be nice) or get it for free (even better) that's a small, small minority of people. Your post was complaining about the end cost you would have to pay for the iPhone 3G. Here is how I figure the new phone is ~$6/mo more then the old phone:

    I'm not saying I disagree with you in that I too would be paying for 3G when, especially on weekends, I am in the country far enough that it helps me for squat. Yet I'm seemingly paying $10/mo for it. But M-F I live in a city that already has 3G upgrades. So I feel I really can't complain too loudly. For those who don't have 3G immediately, I feel their pain. If they never see 3G where they are, I'd feel ripped off. But I get the same thing from Verizon, and I got the same thing from Sprint.

    I still think $6/mo for the 3G enabled phone w/ GPS able to use a much faster network is not enough to quibble about.

  6. The increase in the data plan further cements my decision to stick with the original iPhone. I wouldn't use GPS much, and the 2.0 update will bring the App Store to my existing phone. Plus, I keep my $20 data plan and my texts. Wake me up when the next iPhone model comes along (with a different form factor, a bunch more storage or some new feature that rocks my socks off).

    Another hidden cost of upgrading: Having to buy a new case. Another $20-40 if you use one.

  7. After reading this, I'm not sure I want to upgrade. 3G is not available in my area so it is not worth it. I had no idea they were upping the costs.