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Time-Warner Down Awhile

And of course, just as I post about the (incorrect) speeds, Time-Warner's RoadRunner service goes down from Friday afternoon until early Monday evening.

7 Responses to "Time-Warner Down Awhile"

  1. You were without internet all weekend?

    At the very least, they should refund you for the downtime.

    Beyond that, some people rely on their internet connection to get work done, and therefore three days of downtime borders on unacceptable (and if it was during the work week, would have been inexcusable).

  2. [quote comment="50186"]At the very least, they should refund you for the downtime.[/quote]

    Yeah, they refund, and I've already got three days on the books. I could probably get refunded for Monday too, but since it was about 72 hours, three days (Fri/Sat/Sun) is fine.

    [quote comment="50186"]Beyond that, some people rely on their internet connection to get work done, and therefore three days of downtime borders on unacceptable (and if it was during the work week, would have been inexcusable).[/quote]

    Sure, but when you're paying for only residential service, you can't really be that picky. I'm not even certain there's a "business" option available.

  3. Maybe I'm missing something, but a business-class connection only has better capacity and *maybe* better technical support.

    You still would have had downtime over the weekend, right?

    Also: would you tolerate losing your electricity for a weekend, just because you're not paying business-class prices to the electric company?

    (not trying to be confrontational, forgive me if it sounds that way 🙂 )

  4. [quote comment="50188"]Maybe I'm missing something, but a business-class connection only has better capacity and *maybe* better technical support.[/quote]

    You're not missing anything. You said such downtime would be "unacceptable." If I had "business" service, it probably would be. Since it's residential, I don't really see it as "unacceptable." I don't believe I have quite as much right to complain, in other words. I wasn't guaranteed nor was I paying for "business-class" uptime or anything. TW gave me a refund, and all is well.

    I don't even know whose fault it was. Penelec was out working side by side with some Time-Warner trucks yesterday afternoon - maybe some Penelec guy cut some wires, or a power line that runs cable or fiber optic fell down, or something. I can't blame TW, but I am happy they refunded me - as they always have if I simply ask - and that uptime is generally quite good.

    I'm trying not to read into what you're typing here, but it's not about "whether I would tolerate" it or not. It happened, TW handled it well by refunding me, and life goes on. Though maddening at the time, in the grand scheme of things this is not something worth worrying about.

    [quote comment="50188"]Also: would you tolerate losing your electricity for a weekend, just because you're not paying business-class prices to the electric company?[/quote]

    That's not quite the same, and I think you know that analogy falls short of being a good one.

  5. Yeah, I don't have anything better, though.

    Cable TV? I don't really watch TV anymore, so I wouldn't even notice it's missing, but I guess that's the closest analogy I can imagine.

    'Tolerate' wasn't the correct word to use. I guess my point is, if you were paying for a business-class connection, they'd only refund you 3 days' worth of a business-class connection, right? It wouldn't net you more uptime, which is what I inferred from your first reply to me.

  6. [...] on October 13 I posted about some Time-Warner/Roadrunner downtime. For about 10-11 days, service was spotty. Oftentimes we'd be online for 30 minutes, offline for [...]

  7. That's a pretty long downtime. Comcast here in Seattle goes down once in a while, but only for max 1 hour or so.