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Where Were ‘We’ Four Years Ago?

In general, I agree with this statement, offered by a friend I'll keep anonymous:

I find it awfully disgusting that liberals are imploring the 46% of us who voted for McCain to 'unite' and 'come together' when it was those very same liberals who, the day GWB won in 2004, were spewing things like 'He's not my President' and 'I didn't elect him.' Where was the call for 'unitedness' then?

Hypocritical at least. Heck, I didn't even support GWB for much of his second term, but the fact that he WAS "my" President never escaped me. I think it's incredibly stupid and perhaps entirely selfish to say something like that - and from what I've seen, you're not seeing it from the Republicans this time around. McCain's concession speech was incredibly gracious, and John McCain himself from what I understand has always been a guy to go "across the aisle" anyway. The "divide" that exists seems to be entirely created by the left-wing guys who chose to divide themselves.

I don't particularly care one way or the other who won this election. Again, both candidates had roughly an equal number of plusses and minuses in my book. It's Barack Obama, and I look forward to seeing what he can do.

But just as I was disgusted by the superior attitude of Obama's supporters before the election, I'm disgusted by their incessant "we" stuff now. Where was that same "we" attitude the past eight years?

5 Responses to "Where Were ‘We’ Four Years Ago?"

  1. And I'm equally disgusted by things like this as well, but this type of attitude seems far less prevalent now than four or eight years ago.

  2. Where was the call for 'unitedness' then? Perhaps the fact that he was one of the most divisive presidents ever, not to mention a miserable failure, might have had something to do with it. 🙄

  3. [quote comment="50614"]Perhaps the fact that he was one of the most divisive presidents ever, not to mention a miserable failure, might have had something to do with it.[/quote]

    It strikes me that your missing the point might just prove the point.

    I don't care how divisive he was or is: liberals made a choice to be divided and make themselves look like jackasses with their "He's not my President" bumper stickers. Again, I didn't support GWB in his second term but I wasn't going to engage in that sort of buffoonery.

    Perhaps had liberals been more sensible in reacting to losing the '00 and '04 elections, there wouldn't be such a great "divide" to bridge now in '08.

  4. I noticed you modified your post slightly...

    I know your point is that for the last 8 years there was very few calls for unity (on either side). In Obama's defense, he HAS been all about "we stuff" from the beginning. Just listen to his DNC speech in 2004. Weather or not his supporters have bought into that sentiment is another story. I suppose its a lot easier to call for unity after your side wins. 🙂

    My point is, Bush was divisive, performed very poorly, and made some very bad decisions. Then won by narrow margins amidst controversy. That is why people on the other side freaked out and I'd say justifiably so. You can't divide people, do some very shady things, call people un-american and then wonder why the other side hates you so much.

    Unfortunately McCain went down the same road towards the end. (perhaps it was more Palin, than him) I liked him up until he won the primaries. It seems to me that he got caught up and corrupted by the far right. The republican party seemed determined to continue dividing America and playing dirty. Calling Obama a socialist, challenging his patriotism, even his citizenship, friends with terrorists, etc. Talking about the real parts of America, the evils of big cities, educated people are elitist, the press is corrupt, on and on with the negativity.

    I don't agree with Obama on everything. Things like telecom immunity (big one), refusal to support actual gay marriage, lack of support for NASA (ok so I'm scratching the bottom of the barrel to find faults lol), etc, but they are all things I can work with him on. However, there are an overwhelming number of things I agree with him on and he ran a clean, respectful, intelligent campaign (even if some supporters didn't) and never once questioned the character of McCain, while constantly calling for the end of petty politics and to stop referring to red states vs. blue states. He's even talking about appointing republicans to his cabinet and not just as figure-heads, which is something Bush NEVER would have done. McCain might of, if you count Lieberman. 😉 That is why people are calling for the "we stuff".

  5. Good response Tony.

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