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UDSLR in Motion

UDSLRThe idea has been rolling around in my head for several years, but now we have a three-person team attacking the idea with ferocity, and UDSLR is set to become a reality.

UDSLR is a new site geared towards learning photography. It takes an approach no one has taken before. If you're interested in working with us, check out and email Josh.

3 Responses to "UDSLR in Motion"

  1. you might think about registering as well....

    "DSLR University" sounds better than "University of DSLR" to me. 🙂

  2. [quote comment="51571"]you might think about registering as well…[/quote]

    Did so now. Last time I checked it redirected to - a Russian DSL site.

    [quote comment="51571"]"DSLR University" sounds better than "University of DSLR" to me. :)[/quote]

    I'd agree, but "UDSLR" sounds better than "DSLRU," don't you think?

  3. um, I'd vote for myself. I always prefer the "U" at the end.

    Reminds me about the story of the "Florida University at Cape Kennedy" (don't try the acronym - they actually started to call a school that!)

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