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Playing Music with Injured Players

Florio of PFT objects to the playing of music while players were injured at Heinz Field yesterday.

Call it making something out of nothing. Call it overly PC. I call it "Florio knows how many Steelers fans there are and he's trolling for hits."

The fans were respectfully silent. They wished Willis "good luck" and everything else while he was being carted off the field. They cheered (encouragement) when he was moving around.

The quotes I choose to pull will tell you where I stand on this.

Who cares… players get injured all the time… why is this an issue?

What the hell are they supposed to do? Silence would be worse in that situation if you ask me.

BTW, they played music on the P.A. when Ben got injured in week 17 and had to be carted off the field.

Music is played at EVERY stadium during ANY down time in a game. Are you new to football?

Maybe they didn't want everyone to sit there in silence and instead of playing somber music they played something?

McGahee was moving all extremities on the field. Its not like he was paralyzed and might never walk again. The steelers players were praying for him when he was down. What more do they need to do??? And last i checked its his job to give his all when hes on the field.

Get over it Florio - does this whole freakin country have to be PC all of the time?? What about McGahee taunting the fans after he made the score 16-14 (he was still losing) - why didn't he act like he had been in the endzone before? The music was probably an oversight - AND there was a Steeler player hurt as well. Baltimore was walking around before the playoffs saying they were going to hit everyone until they knew there name - I wonder if McGahee knows his own name now!!

I hate the Steelers but people need to stop being so sensitive. That music had no effect on McGahee.

That's why players get paid the big bucks! This is football and that's why women don't play the game. Besides, the dude is fine. So maybe the sound guy made a mistake, when did this nation become so intolerant of everything little thing? Gees.

And that's just page one. I'm not going to bother to read the rest. The post is simple flame bait and trolling.

5 Responses to "Playing Music with Injured Players"

  1. Why even go there? When someone is Down on the Field, don't play "Down on the corner".

    It felt wrong when I heard that over the TV live, and it still seems wrong now.

    1. [quote comment="52345"]Why even go there? When someone is Down on the Field, don't play "Down on the corner".[/quote]

      You do get that the song lyrics have nothing at all to do with being injured, nor are they about celebrating the misfortune of others, celebrating your own good fortune, or causing the misfortune of others, and that "down" has a different meaning in the song (meaning "at") than "being injured," right?

      Those two songs were probably just the next two in the rotation.

      [quote comment="52345"]It felt wrong when I heard that over the TV live, and it still seems wrong now.[/quote]

      SOP for NFL stadiums. Any time there's a stoppage in play, music is played. At just about every stadium.

  2. Get a life people…

    Maybe they should have played another one bites the dust? or maybe even taps? Should they have read his last rights?

    Get over it… He was moving around and was conscious…

    Is this all you have to pick on here… If it were Dallas it would have been fine! America's team… yep every town I go to has a Cowboys bar…

  3. [quote comment="52351"]You do get that the song lyrics have nothing at all to do with being injured, nor are they about celebrating the misfortune of others, celebrating your own good fortune, or causing the misfortune of others, and that "down" has a different meaning in the song (meaning "at") than "being injured," right?[/quote]

    Of course I know the song is not about being injured or literally being on the ground at a corner. However, the juxtaposition was still poor.

    If folks choosing the music at Pittsburgh could do it again, do you think that would be the song they'd play?

    1. [quote comment="52355"]If folks choosing the music at Pittsburgh could do it again, do you think that would be the song they'd play?[/quote]

      I think it's so much of a non-issue it hasn't even been considered.

      And given the likely limited list of stuff they're authorized to play, it may have even been one of the best choices ("Smooth" by Rob Thomas also played… but I guess it's not as salacious as "juxtaposing" the lyrics "down on the corner").

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