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Stopping the MacBook Half-Dim

My MacBook Pro has an annoying habit of "half dimming" even though I've turned off the screen saver and most everything else appropriate.

Fortunately, others have managed to solve the problem.

pmset -g lists the "halfdim" parameter's value, often 1. To set it to 0, use sudo pmset -a halfdim 0. The "a" specifies all profiles.

Thanks to gibbilicious and this Apple support thread for more. I may still give Caffeine a try, though.

3 Responses to "Stopping the MacBook Half-Dim"

  1. Isn't that "Slightly dim the display when using this power source" in Energy Saver?

  2. [quote comment="54646"]Isn't that "Slightly dim the display when using this power source" in Energy Saver?[/quote]

    No, strangely. The half dim occurs regardless of that setting.

  3. Wouldn't that be this?