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Mexican Coke and Throwback Pepsi

So a few months ago I ran out of the Mexican Coke some people kindly mailed to me. It was great, and I saved it for special occasions. I drank it a little faster towards the end since it was just starting to get flat, but the 36 (I think) bottles I received were yum yum yummy.

Natural sugar has a smoother taste.

The other day I spied some "Throwback" Dr. Pepper at Wegman's and bought it. Same positives - a much smoother, more caressing rather than biting taste. Goodness.

I don't drink Pepsi, but I imagine it's more of the same - smoother. Mountain Dew is said to be worse with real sugar, but I haven't had any to verify this myself. Maybe it is - maybe part of the appeal of Mountain Dew is that it has so much bite.

I was fairly certain this Pepsi Throwback thing was only supposed to last through the summer, but here we are still selling the real-sugar drinks. Are they old inventory? Did they sell well?

I'm hopeful they've sold well, and I'm hopeful Coca Cola ships drinks with real sugar. I've heard the corn industry offers such great subsidies and things that high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is so cheap it's practically free, so even if real sugar costs only a penny a can more (which is unlikely - it's probably several cents per can) more, that'd cost millions of dollars per year. Then again, if people drank an extra twelve-pack per year because it tasted better or didn't have the stigma of containing HFCS, perhaps that loss could be offset with the added profits.

Anyway, here's to hoping.

13 Responses to "Mexican Coke and Throwback Pepsi"

  1. I think they did a "second run" with the retro packaging. Marvo at said that the Mountain Dew has been tweaked to be more like HFCS Dew. They are still marked "limited time only" on the packaging.

  2. There is a lot of government funding in corn, so it is available very cheap. Near me, they have Mexican Coke at Shaws, but thats only New England. Pepsi Throwback is a decent alternative.

  3. I thought the Pepsi Throwback was pretty good. I like that this time around they used the retro packaging. Would be cool if they dug out the old 12 oz glass bottles too.

    I look forward to Coke someday having this. I do not drink Pepsi so it is hard to really compare.

    I had no idea about Dr. Pepper. Now I am going to be endlessly searching for it.


    1. You can get REAL Dr. Pepper, along with REAL Coke, at, or just the Dr. Pepper (called Dublin Dr. Pepper) at The second site's store is located in Texas, and they charge $10 for 24 cans, plus $5 packaging. The other site is in California and is a little more expensive.

  4. I encountered Hanks Beverages ( at our local supermarket and I absolutely love the Black Cherry flavour.

  5. At the Wegmans in our (college) town they have Mexican Coke in the "international foods" section. Worth a look?

  6. There's chain called BevMo (Beverages and More) and they sell Mexican coke (at least here in California)! It's so much better.

  7. I regularly purchase Mexican coke by the case at Sam's Club. It's more expensive ~$18/case, but definitely worth it for, as you say, special occasions.

    1. Is it in bottles or cans?

  8. [quote comment="56877"]I regularly purchase Mexican coke by the case at Sam's Club. It's more expensive ~$18/case, but definitely worth it for, as you say, special occasions.[/quote]

    I've looked all over Erie for it, and we never seem to carry it. Not a large Jewish population and we're pretty far from Mexico, too.

  9. [quote comment="56880"]
    I've looked all over Erie for it, and we never seem to carry it. Not a large Jewish population and we're pretty far from Mexico, too.[/quote]

    Strange; I'm in Minnesota and have seen it at several local Sam's Clubs here. Sucks for you 🙂

  10. Here in little Mexico (San Antonio) mexican Coke is available at just about any gas station I've come across. Pretty easy to get non-HFCS Dr Pepper here too. I bought a 12-pack of throwback Mountain Dew for my MD collection but haven't tasted it. Funnily enough I haven't tried throwback Pepsi either but I have 2 of the shirts from the original promotion of it. Wish they were MD shirts...

    It's proof that Mexico does NOT have a lower food grade standard than we do. I avoid anything with HFCS in it. Switched peanut butter brands (from JIF to Laura Scudder's) and a few other products. My mind feels less under Uncle Sam's control now!

    1. Since you mentioned peanut butter, I prefer Smucker's Natural. It has only peanuts and salt. YUMMY! The only thing is the oil separates because it isn't hydrogenated, so you have to stir it up and refrigerate it, or just stir it up every time you want to eat some.