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After complaining about how WordPress formats "read more" links, I spent a little while kicking out the first version of this plugin. It works well in my tests, but as a version 0.1, I don't know that it will work for everyone. It's also not as efficient as it could be: this is "working" code that I'm releasing for further testing.

BetterWPReadMore provides you more customization options to format your "read more..." links. This plugin offers four options:

  • Remove <a id="more-xxxx"> on individual pages.
  • Remove "#more-xxxx" from "read more" links on index.
  • Add title to "Read More" links on index.
  • Put "Read More" links in their own paragraph.


This plugin has no warranty. That being said, I've been using it for a few weeks without problems. You may not like how the emails look, but I find them a bit more palatable.

Installation and Use

  1. Download and unzip the folder.
  2. Upload the "BetterWPReadMore" folder to your /wp-content/plugins folder.
  3. Activate the plugin.
  4. Visit the "Options" page, click "BetterWPReadMore," and configure some settings.
  5. Note: BetterWPReadMore applies a class="readmorelink" to either the <span> or <p> tag (depending on how you've set that option). If you want to style your "read more" link, do so with span.readmorelink or p.readmorelink.
  6. Enjoy!

0.1 (November 20, 2006)
- Initial release

0.2 (January 23, 2006)
- Added WordPress 2.1 support. Should be backwards compatible with WordPress 2.0.x.

8 Responses to "BetterWPReadMore"

  1. Excellent job on this plug-in. I was having a difficult time getting the read more link on the same line as my posted in categories line. I did not want to hack the source code as this would make upgrades a pain. This does everything I want. Thanks so much for sharing this!!

    I hope you can continue to update it as required by any new versions of WP that may break this plug-in. Are you aware of any bugs that I need to be aware of that I may not have spotted. I am using 2.0.7

  2. Great plugin that solves an annoying problem. Thanks for whipping it up.

    One question: How do you change the read-more link text now? I noticed that after installing and activating the plugin, my links now read simply "Read more" instead of the custom text I have entered into my theme files.

    Come to think of it (as a request/suggestion) would it be possible to include an option for changing the more link text from the admin menu in a future version of BetterWPReadMore?


  3. I'm interested in this plugin but you don't seem to use it on your own site. Does it still work?

    1. [quote comment="53262"]I'm interested in this plugin but you don't seem to use it on your own site. Does it still work?[/quote]

      It still works with WordPress 2.7.1, yes, and I've always used it on this site (and a few others).

  4. [...] BetterWPReadMore: Elimina la palabra “more” del enlace “Read more” o “Leer mas” cuando muestras un extracto en lugar del articulo completo. Desde la pagina principal piedes verlo al pasar el puntero del raton sobre “Leer el resto del articulo”. [...]

  5. This is exactly what I've been looking for. thanks man! 😎

  6. Great job, thanks a lot !

  7. I was having a problem with double read more links showing up on a custom homepage. This solved it (in WP 3.0.4) by unchecking 'Put "Read More" links in their own paragraph.' Thanks!!

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