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“Edit this Page” responds to Dave Winer's request for "Edit this Page" functionality. Good idea. If I had a place to hide that on my site, I might include it. I'd havd the idea before, but when that article showd up in my news aggregator just now, I thought I'd blog it so that I've got my own reference to it.

<a href="<MTCGIPath>mt.cgi?__mode=view&_type=entry&
id=<MTEntryID>&blog_id=<MTBlogID>">Edit Link</a>

There you go. Hide that somewhere by wrapping it around a * or a link and you've got it. MovableBlog mentions the fact that the public search shows "Edit" links, and I'll further add that my 404 search code does not (try it here).

12 Responses to "“Edit this Page”"

  1. Is the MTEntryEditLink tag present in the 404 search template?

  2. I'm not sure what you mean. That shouldn't matter, if you look at the 404 Search code, because it literally calls the same URL as I linked to above. One shows the edit links, the other does not. Try the two links above and look at the 404 code.

  3. Ah okay. They both call mt-search.cgi with the same search template, is that what you're saying?

    As a guess, could it be because it's the server calling the mt-search.cgi URL, and then sending the resulting text by PHP? If so, then mt-search.cgi would not be reading the cookie that MT sets on your computer in your browser.

  4. Yes, very likely that is the case. Indeed.

  5. I've been using a similar 'edit page' technique on my site for ages now, and wrote about my technique back in January.

    To make a long story short, I've got a hidden admin link for every post and every comment on my site that sends me directly to the editing screen (and they way it's hidden, you could add it to your site quite easily, Erik). MT and CSS code for my implementation are on the above-linked post — comes in quite handy pretty often!

  6. MT: Easy comment and entry editing

    I use a 'edit this entry' here, only one that allows me to not have to worry about the blog ID number, and I have 'edit' links both for each individual entry, and for any comments that are left on my site. As a bonus, the edit links are hidden, so unle...

  7. A link to edit the entry represented by the search result, if the user displaying the search results page is logged in to Movable Type and has permission to edit the entry listed.

    I think that bit explains it pretty well. I would assume this only works on cgi based pages.

    Presumably you'd be presented with a login screen otherwise on the non-cgi page.

  8. Edit This Page

    Various 'Edit This Page' methods in MT

  9. Isn't this effectively turning it into a Wikki?

  10. Not at all - not everyone can edit it. Just the owner of the blog. If I'm reading my blog, and see a typo or want to update a comment or anything, the normal procedure is:

    Look at article title.Log into admin area.Search for title.Edit the article.Save.

    "Edit This Page" removes the first three steps (and again, only for the admin, not everyone as general Wikis tend to allow).

  11. I've also been using a trick like this for months. I actually have the link tied to a javascript ondoubleclick handler on a hyphen between the post info and the date. This way it requires no extra effort to hide it and is nearly impossible to invoke by accident.

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